𝐂𝐨𝐨𝐤𝐢𝐞 𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐟𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧 - 𝐃𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐨 [𝐛𝐚𝐲𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐞]

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This is not a request, but I found this draft sitting on my IPad a few days ago and decided to finish it and upload it for you guys! I do not know if I will be making a Christmas imagine, I wanted to but now I've kinda lost motivation for it. We shall see what happens when it happens. 

Requests are CLOSED for now! ^^ 

Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoy! <3 

WARNING: some fluff?, smol bit of cussing?, the reader makes a suggestive/mature comment eventually.. XD 

Word Count: 2469


The wind felt harsh as it hit her face and nipped at her nose. She shivered as it ruffled her hair. Y/n adjusted the scarf that was wrapped around her neck and pulled her jacket closer to her. Normally she loved this time of year, but this morning was so cold she was tempted to change her opinion on it.

Sighing through her nose, Y/n made her way to the sewers. She was planning on giving her favourite turtle friends a visit. Of course she texted before hand to make sure it was okay. Donnie had assured her it was. Y/n always felt like she was intruding or unwanted. Even when she wasn't. Plus it was just the polite thing to do to ask. At least she thought so.

She slipped her phone out of her jackets pocket and switched the flashlight on so she could see better. Walking down the tunnels, Y/n drummed her fingers against her thigh nervously. Recently she had been getting more anxious to stop by the lair. She guessed it was because she had recently discovered she had feelings for the purple branded turtle. Which made everything ten times more awkward than it needed to be. Especially since Donnie was so awkward on his own.

Y/n used to be able to be with Donnie on her own all the time. They used to hang out just the two of them. She liked to watch him work, sometimes she'd do her school work, or read a book. Other times she would nap or try to help him anyway she could. Ask him questions about his work which he always loved to answer. Recently things had been so awkward, it was harder for them to be alone for so long.

The two of them were very aware of their sudden awkward atmosphere. Which led to them both avoiding each other.

It sucked, but they were both far too awkward to deal with it any other way.

Donatello's brothers had taken notice of the sudden change in attitude around the two. They had tried to figure out what was going on, but both Y/n and Donnie claimed everything was fine.

Y/n approached the turtles lair slowly. Drawing in a deep breath to calm her nerves before entering. She lightly nipped at her lip, turning her flashlight off and slipping her phone back into her satchel that hung comfortably from her shoulder. Both Raph and Donnie were no where to be seen. But Y/n noticed Leo immediately as she entered the familiar home.

He was practicing using his katanas. His movements were quick and swift and Y/n couldn't help but watch him for a moment in awe.

Mikey was skateboarding around the lair, occasionally tossing something in Leo's direction in the hopes of catching him off guard and knocking him off of the pedestal(?) he was standing on. Leo would effectively hit whatever came his way with his katanas. Y/n ducked as a ninja star zipped past her head. Shrieking lightly at the close call.

"Whoops. Sorry, Angelcakes. I didn't see you there." Mikey chuckled nervously, rubbing the back of his neck as he stopped in front of her.

Y/n shrugged, "It's all good. No harm done."

Leo slipped his katana's into his holsters and flipped onto the ground, stalking over smoothly. "I should apologize too. I was the one who hit it in your direction." He bowed his head apologetically, and Y/n smiled lightly at the gesture.

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