𝐃𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬 - 𝐃𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐨

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This has kind of just been sitting in my drafts for a while (fcking months-) and since I haven't posted anything in literally forever I decided I would finally post this. It's not made for a specific version of TMNT. So imagine it as whichever Donnie you want. ^^ I was going to wait till I had more, but my friend told me that it was good enough and that I should post it already lol. I do have the other brother's written as well, I'm just going to wait a few days in between each post haha. Thanks for reading and being so patient with me! I hope you enjoy. Also- this is kind of all over the place, it's just me writing down random drabbles and headcannons lmao. Please ignore any and all grammar/spelling mistakes, it was late when I wrote this and I'm far too lazy to edit. XP

Requests are currently closed! ^^ 

Warning: mature/sexual themes, nsfw mentions, mature language, 

Word Count: 1369


- We all know that this mother fucker is a coffee addict. So if you were to get him coffee or mugs (either as a gift or just in general because why not?) he would be eternally grateful. He'd already worship the ground you'd walk on, let's be honest, but he'd absolutely adore you even more if you catered to his 'needs'. He wouldn't let anyone else use the stuff you gave him and probably keep it hidden away in his lab somewhere. And if you got/bought him a coffee machine, bitch it's about to go down- ;)

- Similar to the coffee thing, this man never sleeps. In his mind sleep is for the weak. Occasionally Splinter or one of his brothers are able to coax him out of his lab and force him to go to bed. Especially if they know it's been a good long while. But with you around, there's little hesitation. He loves to sleep next to you and cuddle with you, so if you're sleeping over you can bet that he's most likely going to be sleeping with you. His brothers definitely know this, and often get you to sleep over if they notice Donnie hasn't been sleeping. And on the odd occasion that you aren't sleeping over, or he just doesn't go to bed even with you there, you would have to march into his lab and force him to bed. He might be a bit sour about it, but he'll do it with little complaint.

- I feel like Donnie's a sucker for those, wrap around from behind; sneak in a quick kiss type of embraces. I see him doing it all the time. Whether you're in the kitchen making something, he'll quickly pull that move to greet you. Or if you're talking to one of his brothers and he's walking by. And you can bet your ass that he's gonna do it in front of Casey (mostly the 2012 version).

- Donnie's not much for PDA, but when it comes to the bedroom I feel like he could be into some kinky shit. And he'd KNOW what to do, because he probably researched it at some point. I also feel like he's pretty open to trying new things, if he likes it, great you guys can do it more often, if he doesn't well then at least he gave it a shot. At first he'd get pretty flustered when doing more intimate things with you, and when he's trying out new 'techniques'. But over time he'd get more confident and it'd become second nature to him once he's adjusted.

- Definitely a switch. He doesn't care if he's bottom or top. He'd probably secretly want to dominate you, but would be too shy to try it unless you encouraged him a bit. Also, he'd adore it if you dominated the fuck out of him.

- He's very easily flustered, specially when you guys first start dating. But I think over time he'd gain his confidence and enjoy surprising you by doing something he normally wouldn't and flustering the shit out of you. Especially in front of others. He'd enjoy watching you squirm, especially if you were squirming because of him.

- He'd definitely make stuff for you all the time. Little gifts that he'd hope you enjoy. Maybe a flower he made out of metal scraps. Or he hand crafted a piece of jewelry you like. Or drew something for you (I've noticed that some versions of Donnie can draw and some can't, so the actual quality of the drawing depends on that).

- Need help with anything? He's your guy. Homework, done. Technical issues, resolved. House work, completed. He'd also like doing this kind of stuff for you. He likes the feeling of you relying and counting on him to do something. It makes him feel important and needed. He also likes it when you praise him (however you decide to do it) afterwards.

- Total flower guy. I can see him buying/picking you flowers all the time. And he'd love it if you did the same to him. (He can't afford lots of things, but he feels like he needs to give you things because 'that's what good boyfriends do', so he often tries to give you little things like this).

- Movie/tv show marathons. We already know that this guy is a night owl, so I feel like he'd enjoying doing things like this with you. He'd also probably enjoying learning new things about humans and their world (top side) and movies and shows are a good way he can learn about it. He also wants to learn more about you, so if you're watching something you really enjoy he'll o play close attention and will watch just about anything with little to no complaint.

- If you have a favorite music genre or just favorite songs in general, he will listen to them repeatedly. He might not like it at first, depending on what it is, but eventually it would grow on him and become one of his favorites. (Mostly because it reminds him of you).

- He's probably really cheesy, and a bit of a hopeless romantic. He'd watch rom coms (and other things with romance heavily involved) just so he could get a better understanding of how to be a good boyfriend and what he should do in the relationship. Honestly, he'd probably look it up online as well. And I can see him doing cute romantic gestures all the time.

- His main focus in life is your happiness. He would go out and beyond to ensure that you're happy. 

- Loves it when you visit him in the lab. He adores it when you sit on his lap while he works. 

- He'll make you coffee/tea randomly and would have a secret stash of your favorite snacks somewhere the other's couldn't find them. 

- He'd love it when you asked him questions or if he got the chance to teach you stuff. 

- Loves cosplays, he'd enjoy it if you dressed up during sex. O.O He also definitely has an obsession with your pleasure. He'd know all your switches and what you like when it comes to this stuff. Likes boobies a little too much--

- Donnie would have multiple nicknames for you, probably too many. 

- Loves to leave you voicemails and voice messages. Isn't into sexting, he kinda hates it. It's awkward for him. Not very good at dirty talk either. 

- Adores pictures of you, even the gremlin looking ones. This man will be caught staring at them for hours. Always his mesmerized by you, respectful bb though.

- Loves to help out, with literally anything. Will even shave your legs for you. Also he loves taking care of you, for example, brushing your hair, applying lotion on you, helping you with facial care. He'd even help with your makeup and be good at it.

- Will gush over you randomly, writes little sappy love notes. Enjoys kissing, literally everywhere. Hugging you from the back is his favorite. He likes to hear about your day, even the little things and is pretty much a therapist for you.

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