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Tonight, after some late-night volleyball, Suga decided to break out his "last night celebratory marijuana supply" as he calls it. Most of the guys have decided to partake in this activity and I will admit, it's quite entertaining to watch. I typically don't smoke during the volleyball season due to my seasonal asthma. I'm sad I'm missing out, but I don't really want to taint my lungs when I have upcoming games. The other part of me wants to let loose because of how stressful things have been lately.
Out of all the guys, Kenma, Akaashi, Suga, Tsuki, Noya and Tanaka have smoked the most. Due to their low tolerances, Hinata and Yamaguchi were hit especially hard after just a few hits. Bokuto, Kuroo, Daichi, and Asahi don't take as many as the other guys but are high enough to laugh at every single thing. Even without being intoxicated, I find myself laughing along with them due to the changes in character that arise due to the drugs.
Instead of engaging in the activities going around the bonfire, Kageyama had taken the past hour to practice setting to himself on the beach which for some reason pisses me off even more.
"If only Coach was here right now." Nishanoya laughs as he leans back, blowing smoke from his lungs. The guys erupt in a fit of laughs and storytelling of coach Ukai's stoner quirks and about "the time he got crossed at a team banquet." Throughout the conversation, my eyes jump from player to player. In all honesty, I feel slightly high due to the secondhand smoke that fogs around the fire, and thanks to that, you could say my mood has drastically increased.

From: mya:)

"Hey guys, I'll be right back." I call out although not really caring if they were paying attention. My finger immediately hints the accept button.
"HI BITCH!" She shrieks, causing me to pull the phone away from my ear for a moment.
    A dopey smile crawls onto my face as I step away from the loud chatter around the fire. "HI!"
"Tell me everything about your weekend so far!" She begins before continuing without letting me respond. "Oh shit wait, I'm not interrupting anything am I?"
"All the guys are absolutely blazed right now, so not really." I tell her. I hear her scream again in excitement, making me laugh.
"Please take pictures with Asahi. I need to see him high." She concludes. "But no seriously, tell me about the rest of it. I know you kind of started telling me about the Kuroo thing and the Kageyama thing, but I need in-depth details."
I feel myself slightly sober up at these topics especially now that I'm away from the smoke. The next thirty minutes are taken up by me retelling memories to my absent friend with her occasional commentary interrupting.
"You know, I agree with Kuroo."
This catches me off guard. "About him liking me?"
"Duh," I can practically hear her rolling her eyes. "Why would he care so much about how you move on if there wasn't some sort of self-interest mixed in there? You seriously are so dull sometimes when it comes to guys liking you. You're lucky I'm here to advise you."
It is my turn to roll my eyes. "Yeah right. I think he's just an asshole by nature."
"We'll see about that..." She drawls off. "Anyway, I want to hear about it all over again when we get back to campus tomorrow. It's late and I need you to take pictures of my mans."
"Okay, I'll talk to you tomorrow."
We exchange goodbyes and I sigh contently at the conversation, happy to have caught up with her. By the time I get back to the fire, the guys are passing the pen around again. As I head towards my seat, I see it occupied by someone other than me.
"I was sitting there." I stand behind the black-haired setter who has taken it upon himself to settle into my lawn chair in my absence.
His head turns towards me. My eyes immediately notice the red lines that surround his beautiful blue irises.
You have got to be kidding me.
"Come sit then." He says with no hesitation.
I'm sorry, what?
He makes no move to get up and instead pats his lap dramatically. His dopey smile and playfulness almost cause me to oblige, but then I realize who I'm talking to. Still, the corner of my mouth can't help but pull up at his unusual shift in character.
"In your dreams." I tell him although completely surprised that he hadn't said anything mean yet. Instead of waiting for a reply, my feet move towards the closest open seat which happens to be directly next to Sugawara.
"Hi baby Chi." He coos quietly, obnoxiously whispering. I turn amusedly as he attempts to grab my attention. "Are you sure you don't want a hit? No pressure or anything, I just want to make sure we don't skip you."
My eyes instinctively move to the black-haired setter who had surprisingly indulged in the illegal activities. His abnormal difference in personality due to the smoke in his lungs makes me reconsider my temporary abstinence from the drug. I know that Suga isn't trying to pressure me or anything, but his question opened the door for me to change my mind. After a moment of contemplation, I shake my head.
My eyes wander in search of the pen. My eyes land on Akaashi who has the cart between his lips, inhaling the substance as Bokuto attempts to tell some scary ghost story. Another reason the rational side of my mind managed to keep me grounded in my decision to not smoke tonight is the fact that smoking makes me absurdly horny. There is no way I can be around guys who look like this and let myself get high. I know I flirt a lot when I'm sober, but that's all fun and games. When marijuana graces my lungs, I seriously can't stop myself.
"Hinata, breathe!" Daichi slaps his back as the ginger coughs. The circle laughs at the ginger's inexperience with marijuana. Due to his intoxicated state, Kenma is more open to showing his care for the other boy. I doubt any of the other boys notice, but Kenma has his hand tucked under the back of Hinata's shirt. Must be nice. My cheeks blaze at the intrusive thought.
"Amateur." Kageyama mumbles goofily. Kenma passes the black pen to him after taking a long drag from the silver mouthpiece. Kageyama's slender fingers twirl the pen around until he finishes arguing with Hinata about the way to use marijuana. "Watch." He glares at the ginger for a moment before his eyes turn to the device in his hands. His index finger presses down on the small button. As he inhales, his eyes look up.
Because I was already observing him, blue eyes meet mine. I watch his lips turn up into a smirk at the sight of me already watching. As much as I want to look away bashfully due to him catching me red-handed, I have to stare at the sight of his lips wrapped around Suga's pen. A mixture of annoyance and want fills my stomach at the effortlessness he manages to portray in every single thing he does.
He inhales for at least ten seconds before looking back at Hinata with raised eyebrows, blowing smoke out of his mouth without coughing. Hinata rolls his eyes but can't or doesn't want to argue.
After that, the pen crosses a few more lips before making its way to me. As I'm about to hand it to Suga, I run through a crash course in my head of how bad one hit would be. Maybe two.
Knowing me, the decision is already made up even before I weigh my options. The fact that I even consider taking one already insinuates that my responsibility has been lost to my fuck it we ball mentality.
"One won't hurt," I tell Suga. His teeth bite giddily into his bottom lip as he gestures for me to go for it. "Maybe two."
I bring it to my lips before the reasonable part of my brain can stop me. My eyes dart to my brother for a moment before pressing down on the green button. To hide the pen from his sight, I lean back on my elbows against the picnic table behind me.
Without thinking, my eyes land on Kageyama.
I almost choke on the smoke when I see his eyes already staring at me. I manage to continue breathing in for a couple more seconds as our eye contact holds steady. His tongue swipes against his bottom lip as he stares. My stomach immediately fills with butterflies at the sight, wanting nothing more than to hold this moment for just a little bit longer.
Yeah, this was a terrible idea.
One hit isn't going to turn me into the hormone monster, but with Kageyama around, I doubt I even need any sort of intoxication.
Holy shit, that thought did not just cross my mind.
Our eye contact is broken when I pull the drug from my lips and hand it to Suga quickly as if the pen was the reason for my uncharacteristic thoughts. Once my lungs are sufficiently drenched in the smoke I hold in, I lean my head back and look into the night sky, watching the smoke float up towards the stars. I keep my head like this for a couple of moments longer in fear of my thoughts returning to where I didn't want them.
When I lean back forward, I make sure to keep my eyes off of the intoxicating setter sitting across from me.
"I'm gonna head to bed." I tell Suga after another hour and one more hit. My phone reads 1:12 am and my high shows little signs of leaving. Kenma and Hinata managed to sneak off about half an hour ago and Kuroo and Bokuto followed soon after them. The fun had slightly died down and I found myself taking less of an interest in the conversation. Kageyama had gone back to his quiet self as well which for some reason left a small pit of disappointment in my chest.
Suga kisses my hair and requests that each guy individually say goodnight to me. I laugh as they all oblige, taking turns to wish me sweet dreams.
"Goodnight, Mai." Kageyama says simply when it comes around to his turn. At the sound of the unexpected nickname, my cheeks burn.
I decide to use his own line against him but in a more playful manner than when he said it earlier today. "You do not get to call me that."
Before he drops his head, I can see that my comment managed to bring a smirk to his lips. I smile contently at that as I walk towards my tent.

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