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          "Yeah, you need a ride?" Suga asks before I can object. If I were anymore intoxicated, I probably would object and reveal the complicated relationship between me and Kageyama to Suga right now. I manage to bite my tongue though, intending to keep whatever is going on between us from my brother's best friend.
     Kageyama looks boldly at me, immediately resulting in me turning my head to avoid his gaze. "Yeah, I'm glad I caught you before you left." He speaks into the night as our feet walk towards the car.
     I know he's answering Suga, but I can't help but think he intends those words to be for me.
      The three of us climb in the car, with me taking the passenger seat to put as much distance between me and Kageyama as possible.
     The five-minute car ride seems to last much longer than 300 seconds. To avoid having to deal with the awkward tension that fills the entirety of Suga's mini-cooper, I pull my phone out and send Mya a text telling her that I am going back to the dorm. Like the concerned friend she is, she texted back immediately asking if something happened but I assured her that she didn't need to worry. When our exchange ends, I see that we're still a minute or two from the building. Unintentionally, I let out a dramatic sigh in frustration.
          "So what's going on between the two of you?" Suga asks as the intersection light turns red.
     My attention turns from the dark streets outside to face him and his question.
     Panic fills me at the fact that he so easily caught on. Still, I force myself to stay calm. "Between me and Kageyama? Nothing."
     Suga rolls his eyes as he looks in the rearview at the kid in the backseat. "Cut the shit. I can sense the tension. It's almost choking me." He looks over at me dumbly before turning his attention to the light which has now turned green.
          "There's no tension." I try again. Kageyama isn't helping by not saying anything either. "Right, Tobio?" I look for his help.
     Terrible idea. 
          "We got in a fight at the party."
     That fucking traitor.
          "It wasn't even a fight." I try to save it. My teeth clench at his confession. "We were playing a drinking game and Kageyama brought up the fact that Terushima cheated on me in front of everyone." I pull the victim card from the deck before he can incriminate me.
        "Come on, you know I only did that because you were all over Tsukishima." He argues right back with me as if that excuses his behavior. If Suga hadn't caught on to the romantic part of this tension, that sure as hell gave it away.
    My eyes roll to the back of my head and I turn around in my seat to look at him. "We played one game of beer pong!" I defend loudly. "That still doesn't give you a reason to bring up something that hurt me!"
        He leans forward, pushing his face closer to mine. "Well, you hurt me first!"
        "What are you five years old? I-"
        "Enough!" Suga puts the car in park as we reach our destination. My attention turns back to the silver-haired boy in the driver's seat who stares between us in frustration. "I know I don't know the whole story, but from what I'm hearing, it seems as though you have a few unresolved issues to talk about."
    The anger that filled me at the party returns at that. "We don't have anything worth talking about. I'm done with it."
        "Me too." Kageyama speaks crossing his arms over his chest.
    Suga sighs. "Nothing is ever going to get solved if you are too stubborn to admit what's going on between the two of you." His eyes are wary as if he knows something we don't. "I've spent enough time with each of you to know what's going on right now. Whether you want to admit it or not is your call, but the two of you will be happier if you just talk about it."
        "Nothing is going on! Suga."I beg, looking at him pleadingly, just wanting him to take my side and not play the wise mediator who is able to solve all conflict.
    He sighs. "Okay." When he puts his hands up in surrender, I can't help but feel guilt flood my senses. I understand he's just trying to help, but I don't want to agree with him.
        "Thanks for the ride." I try to give him a small grin as I reach for the handle, but I can tell he doesn't believe the fake smile on my mouth. Either way, I can't sit in that car for another second. I slam the door frustratedly as I exit, cringing at my inability to control my anger. A few moments later, I hear the back door close, signifying that Kageyama has followed suit. My hand tugs on the dorm door handle, flinging it open just as hastily.
    The kid working the desk at this late hour peeks his head up as I enter. A frown is still present on my face as I reach the elevator, not even bothering to greet him back. The angry lines on my forehead only deepen when Kageyama appears behind me.
        "Take the stairs." I demand. He opens his mouth to reply but the furious glare in my eyes forces him to retreat. As the door to the staircase closes, I let out a relieved sigh. A minute later, the elevator doors part and I step in, immediately finding refuge by leaning my foggy head on the walls.
    Suga and his fucking wisdom. I know he just wants to look out for me but telling me what I didn't want to hear was the opposite of effective. I don't want to hear that we have to talk. I want him to take my side and tell me that Kageyama is a douchebag. Kageyama does not like me. And if he does, I don't care. I don't like him.
     Then why do I get butterflies every time we're alone together.
     My eyes roll back at my thoughts, annoyed that even they aren't taking my side in a time like this. After what seems like an hour, a chime rings in my ears, revealing that I made it to the seventh floor.
    My hands reach up to my face, rubbing my temples in annoyance as I wait for the doors to part.
    When I look up, my eyes land on none other than the reason for my frustration.
        "When I told you to take the stairs, I intended for you to be gone by the time I made it up here." I speak angrily, passing him without another glance.
    His presence follows mine down the hallway. "I don't care. I want to talk to you."
        "Well, I don't want to talk to you." I respond, eyes trained on the door to my dorm room. I pull my ID card from my pocket as my feet hurriedly try to get away from him.
        "Well, I don't care." He speaks in annoying retaliation.
    As I reach my door, my fingers immediately swipe the card, pushing it open so I can escape the intoxicating aura that surrounds him. "Goodnight, Tobio-"
          "If you don't invite me in, I'm going to stay out here and yell until this door opens." My hands push it open, stepping into the loneliness of my room. My eyes roll back, calling his bluff as I move to shut the door. Seconds later, I am pulling it back open. "Maihua Jane Sawamura! I request to be let into-"
     My body exits the room as soon as it had entered, a hand immediately clapping over Tobio's loud mouth echoing throughout the previously silent hallway.
           "Are you fucking kidding me, Tobio!" I shriek quietly, pushing him back against the wall opposite my door. "You are a child. I do not want to talk to you. You have complicated my life enough as it is, please don't make it even worse for me." I spit harshly although only partially meaning it. I give him a warning look, glaring as I slowly remove my hand from his mouth.
My lips part in a sigh at his silence, turning back to open my door.
    Before I even have the chance to re-close the door on him, he's pushing me inside. My back is roughly shoved against the back of my door. Not enough to hurt me of course, but hard enough to where I lose my breath for a moment.
        "I'm not trying to make it worse. Stop being fucking difficult." His jaw is clenched.
    My hands push at his chest in an attempt to get him off of me. "Stop fucking talking to me then!"
        "Do you like me?" He asks. My eyes blink in confusion as I stare at him. Is he serious? Heat floods my cheeks at our proximity along with the question I have been avoiding.
    In an attempt to create a disinterested facade, I roll my eyes. "Is that a joke?"
        "Don't avoid the question." He demands, eyes locked on mine now. I begin to roll my eyes again but he catches my chin in his fingers to stop me from breaking his gaze. "Maihua."
    I feel angry tears prick at the corner of my eyes. "You don't get to make demands! You-You can't tell me to kiss you when you're high and then swerve me the next day. Then you have the audacity to get jealous when I entertain another guy?" I look at him in disbelief. His eyes stare back at me, filled with rage that mirrors mine. "Now you're asking me if I like you? You must be out of your fucking mind."
        "So if I asked to kiss you right now, what would you say?" He asks seriously, ignoring the anger that seeps from my previous statement. My eyebrows furrow at his blatant arrogance. I attempt to answer but when my mouth drops open, nothing comes out. I close it and let out an annoyed breath.
    When his eyes drop down to my mouth, my body reacts before I can give in.
        "No." I lie as confidently as I can muster although my eyes dip down to his lips for a split second. God, I am so weak.
    He catches it, leaning his head just the slightest centimeter forward. "Are you sure?"
    I shake my head. I feel hot tears prick in my eyes at the thought of him rejecting me again. I can't help but turn my head away, needing to avoid his dominating gaze. His fingers grab my chin again, forcing my attention back on him. My eyes close out of fear of humiliation.
        "Look at me." He whispers. At his vulnerable demand, my eyes oblige. I know he can tell I'm trying desperately not to cry. "Can I?"
    If I open my mouth right now, I know my cries will betray me.
    So instead I nod.
    He doesn't waste another second.
    His warm lips immediately meet mine. My breath hitches in my throat at the feeling I have so desperately longed for. He wastes no time, left hand dropping to my waist, wrapping around it in an attempt to pull me as close as possible. Instinctively, my hands move to his chest. My head feels as though it's about to explode, euphoria infiltrating every crevice of my brain at the feeling of his mouth finally meeting mine.
    Without hesitation, my mouth opens when his thumb, which still rests on my chin, tugs down. His tongue moves to trace my bottom lip greedily. Mine meets his in the middle. My fingers immerse themselves in his shirt, pulling the fabric as close as possible in order to keep his lips on mine.
     The longer we kiss, the deeper it gets. His hand moves from my chin to my lower back, pressing my lower half against his. A whine escapes my mouth at the feeling of him against me. The noise seems to fuel him further, pushing him to take my bottom lip between his teeth. My left-hand reaches around his neck, entangling itself in the hair at the back of his neck. He takes this as a sign to slide his hands even lower, gripping my ass and tugging it upwards. My mouth opens further into a gasp allowing him to infiltrate my mouth again with his tongue.
     The feeling of his lips, hands, everything on mine is enough to send my body into overdrive, and with the help of the alcohol, I can feel myself getting more turned on. His warm mouth occupies mine feverishly, turning my inside to mush as he presses me against the door. After another moment, his hands move to pull my thighs up, gesturing for me to pull them around his waist.
     Before I can oblige, my hands push against his chest slightly. The breath between the short distance of our faces is heavy. I can see the confusion on his face at my interruption. My tongue darts out nervously as I look down.
     Wordlessly, I push him back further, allowing him to drop his hands completely to his sides. He doesn't get the chance to get embarrassed or say anything about my actions.
     My fingers slip into his easily, tugging him towards my bedroom.

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