Words & Tea (Ch. 1)

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"I moved to Doncaster last month to get away from my old surroundings and be in a completely different place. I don't know why exactly, it just felt like the right thing to do!" Actually, I knew exactly why I moved to England from Iowa, but I figure my personal life should stay separate from my potential work life.

The skinny blonde horse of a lady who sat across from the desk looked at me with a raised eyebrow. Her blue eyes were cold as they looked me up and down. "And why exactly would you move to Doncaster of all places?" She was making me nervous but I refrained from fidgeting because I read in an article the more you fidget in interviews the less likely you are to get the job. Instead I kept my head  high, and looked her in the eye and replied, "Well...I have always wanted to move to England, and Doncaster was the first place that popped in my head. Aside from London, but I didn't really want to live in such a crowded place.

"Mhm. And why do you want this job?" Boy she was really making me nervous, I was getting really tense from not fidgeting, so I started moving my toes around in my grey flats. "Well, I have always loved books, and reading has always been something of an escape for me whenever I needed one. Back in America I worked for the state library, and I even had some friends who were authors that let me read their manuscripts and edit them and -"

"I think we are done here." Her hard voice cut through me, making me shrink in my chair slightly.

"O-oh um okay then. Th-thank you for your time. H-have a good day."

I walked out of the publishing house with low spirits. I knew my chances of getting a book-editing job were slim with no prior experience - professional experience - but I listened to my mom's advice and applied anyway.

I took a cab to the interview and I didn't know Doncaster well enough to know how to get back home, but I didn't really want to go back yet anyway. It was a dingy little flat and reflected the little money I had. I saved up enough before moving out here to last for about six months, but the thought of not having a job by then was scary. I didn't have enough for a ticket back to America and I was worried about ended up on the streets.

After a while walking down various streets I came across a bookshop called Words & Tea. There were many different flowers erupting all over the walls and windows of the building and it looked quite welcoming. I walked in and to my right was a little cafe with a small sitting area for people to read and enjoy what they could get from the cafe. To the left was three cashier stations. I walked on through different aisles, trying to get a feel for the place. I had had a horrible day so far with such a horrible interview and this environment was calming me down a bit. I liked how it was set up much like a library, with tall oak bookshelves that created a good two dozen rows or so. It had a very lived in feel to it, but still business enough where you didn't feel like you had to be careful of being too loud like in a library.

I walked down the fiction section and before long was engrossed in different book summaries.

"Hello love, can I help you with anything today?" I looked up from the book I was holding, quite started. I shook off my initial wake up from the tunnel vision I so often get from reading and realized an employee was looking at me with a warm smile and eyes. My goodness - those eyes! They were amazing! They were blue-green and had the most vibrant gaze I've ever seen.

"Ma'am?" he said.

Oh no! I was staring! "Um sorry, I'm sorry. Uh...what? haha, sorry," Geez! How many times could I say sorry?! How embarrassing. I might as well just melt right here into a big awkward puddle and forget about any notion of having a social life.

He chuckled and asked, "Is there anything I can help you with today?"

"Oh uh, haha no thank you. I think I am fine for now. Thank you." Would it be possible for me to not repeat myself? Gosh, I just need to be quiet. I need to get my vocal chords taken out.

"Okay, well if you have any questions, my name is Louis and don't hesitate to ask!" He started walking away but turned around and pointed to the book in my hand, "By the way, that is a great read, I highly suggest it,"

"Thanks," I said a little too breathy.

He turned out of sight and I hit my forehead with the book. Gah!

The embarrassing feels I am experiencing right now are not acceptable. I looked at the book I had just abused myself with. The Sherlockian. Welp, looks like I'm getting it.

I looked around a bit longer and found another book called Echoes that sounded good. I couldn't stop thinking about Louis. I should have acted way smoother. He just caught me off guard. I bet if I had another chance to make an impression I wouldn't be so weird! I walked toward the cashier area and just my luck - the only lane open was the one that Louis was standing at. I took a deep breath and calmed myself down. He looked up as I came up to him and smiled. "Find everything okay, love?" he asked as he took my books.

"Yeah, thanks!" I smiled confidently.

"What part of America are you from?" he inquired, taking my cash card. I knew he was just making small talk based on my accent, but he sounded like he genuinely wanted to know. It made me feel a little better and more comfortable around him. "I'm from Iowa. I moved here about a month ago," I wasn't sure if he really cared about when I moved here, but I am continually getting more and more relaxed around him. It just kind of slipped out without me overthinking what my answer should be. He handed my card back and asked, "How are you liking it here so far?"

Honestly? I thought, horrible. I'm lonely and jobless, and this move isn't turning out at all like I planned.

"It uh...takes some getting used to. But it is absolutely beautiful here!" Louis bagged my books and handed them to me with a look in his eye. "I have a feeling you haven't had a proper Doncaster welcome. I get off in about 30 minutes. If you wait in the cafe I can show you around and answer any questions you have. Moving to a different country must be pretty hard.

"Wow, talk about customer service!" I laughed nervously. Did some extremely attractive guy just ask to hang out with me?

He laughed but said, "I mean it. What do you say?"

I looked in those eyes. Those beautiful happy eyes that always had a twinkle of a smile in them. "Yeah, yeah that sounds lovely."

"Great! Can't wait!"

I smiled and started walking toward the cafe, but turned around when he called out, "By the way, what is your name?"

I giggled a little at the fact that we had made plans to hang out and he hadn't even known my name yet.

"Jovi. My name is Jovi. It's nice to meet you, Louis.  

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