Chapter 12: Cookies

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Louis dropped me off at my flat on his lunch break. Judy said she would call me after she was done interviewing a couple other people and let me know if I got the job or not. I feel pretty good about it, Lou was right, she really is a sweet old lady. It was probably the best interview I’ve ever had because it didn’t feel like one, it felt like I was sitting down and getting to know her.

          After I unpacked everything I brought to stay at Louis’, I went to my kitchen to see what I had for cookies. Thankfully I had gone shopping not too long ago because I really didn’t want to go to the store on crutches. I wouldn’t be able push a trolley or carry a basket or anything. Hopefully my ankle heals fast, it’s such a pain!

Unfortunately I was missing the most important ingredient for Fred’s peanut butter cookies which was indeed peanut butter.

I went across the hall and knocked on Liam’s door, maybe he had some. No one answered and I knocked again.

He must not be home. I didn’t blame him, it was Christmas Eve, he was probably with his girlfriend or his family. I sighed, not really wanting to go to the store and tempted to make sugar cookies instead.

No, I would make peanut butter, that was Fred’s favorite and that is part of the nice gesture. I went and got my purse, changed out of my dress to jeans and a Christmas sweater, and left for the store. It was harder sliding down the stairs while holding my crutches, and part of me wished Louis was here to help me, but then I reminded myself that he’s done so much anyway and today was his day to focus on himself.

          As I headed out into the chilly sidewalk, I got some weird looks from people. I was getting better with my crutches, but I still probably looked really stupid with them, not to mention my armpits hurt like hell so I winced a lot. There was a little family run grocery store at the end of my block that I’ve never been in, but decided to give it a shot since it was the closest thing to me. It was starting to drizzle just as I approached the shops door which really made me not look forward to my trek home. There was a little bell that dinged as I walked in and a girl no older than me looked up from the old wooden check out counter and smiled, “Happy Christmas Eve!” she said brightly.

“Happy Christmas Eve,” I said back. There was no one else in the old store and I looked around for the peanut butter. I found it easily and decided to get a bag of chocolate chips and brown sugar as well. Why not make Liam some chocolate chip cookies? The only problem was that I couldn’t carry these three things while holding onto my crutches. The girl came over to me with a basket in hand and said, “I can help you, what do you want to get?”

“Thank you so much,” I said with a relieved smile, “I wasn’t sure how I was going to go about doing this,” I told her what I needed and followed her to the register. After she bagged them she said, “You don’t live too far from here, do you?”

“No, how did you know that?” I asked surprised.

“Well I work here to help out my parents, and I see you walk by a lot so I figured you lived somewhere nearby. I can help you home if you like,” This girl was really very sweet.

          “Yeah, that would be amazingly nice of you!” I said. She smiled and told me she would be right back and tell her dad she was leaving and he needed to come out to manage the shop. I watched her disappear through a door in the back corner and heard footsteps upstairs. They must live above the store.

          A minute or two later she came back down with an older man who was at least six foot and greying. They came over to me and he stuck out his hand and said, “Hello there, my name is Tobias,”

I shook his hand and said, “Pleasure to meet you Tobias, I’m Jovi,”

He smiled warmly and replied, “Ashley will be helping you home? Do you mind me asking where you live? Forgive me, I’m a little over protective of my daughter,”

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