Chapter 17: New Year's

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I awoke the next day a little after ten am. Louis was still asleep and after checking on Ashley I discovered she was too. I went to go take a shower in Lou’s bathroom. After stepping in I realized I had forgotten to pack my shower things again. I sighed and went to grab Louis’ Old Spice but instead I saw two travel size Herbal Essence bottles with sharpie writing on them. I picked up the shampoo and read, “Because you probably forgot yours, and woke up before me:)” I laughed and squeezed some in my hand. I thought about tonight, it was New Year’s Eve, and the day for Louis’ present. I wasn’t as nervous as before and now the only reason I was was because I have never done this before.

          I also thought about Ashley, I wasn’t sure what she was going to do today as she woke up with the painful blow of reality hitting her.

I sighed, finishing up in the shower, wishing my cast was off, wishing my foot didn’t hurt, but feeling like it didn’t really matter because things could sure be a whole lot worse. Stepping out, I dried off and got dressed in my lazy day clothes. When I opened the door I expected to see Louis still asleep, but he wasn’t in the room. I went to the kitchen where he was standing in his shirt and boxers with his adorable bedhead hair, trying to find something to eat.

          “Thanks for the shampoo,” I said making him laugh. “No problem, what sounds good to eat?” he asked giving me a kiss as I leaned against the counter. “Hmm…do you have any oatmeal?”

“In fact I do,” he said cheerfully getting two bowls down and started fixing our breakfast. “What are we going to do about Ashley? Do you think she wants to talk about things or be alone or be with her dad?” I asked, unsure how the day was going to go.

          “I should get back to my dad. I feel bad for leaving him all alone last night. I shouldn’t have done that. I was just was upset with him and he was upset with me,” said Ashley as she came out. “Okay hon, do you want some breakfast first?” I asked.

“No, I don’t really have much of an appetite,”

“Okay, when do you want to go home? I can give you a lift,” Offered Louis.

“I’ll get dressed and leave, I think I just want to walk and clear my head. I woke up and things are just kind of numb right now,” she said in a monotone voice.

“You going to cancel your date with Niall?” I asked and she nodded.

Ashley turned around to go back to the spare room. “Poor girl,” I said sadly.

          By the time she came back out, Louis and I were sitting at the little table for two eating our oatmeal. “Thanks guys…for everything, it means a lot, really,” she said in the same flat tone. It was a completely different Ashley than before, she had lost all her vibrancy.

“Of course! We are always here for you!” I said trying to put as much sincerity as possible in it.

“I hate to ask, but could you tell Niall for me? I just don’t think I can explain why…”

“Yeah, don’t worry about it,” Louis said getting up to wash his bowl.

“Come here,” I said standing up with my arms open. Ashley came over looking down at her feet. I wrapped my arms around her and she clung for dear life. “Don’t forget what she said, Don’t forget to have fun,” I whispered. She nodded, and when I pulled away to look at her, her eyes were watery.

“See you guys later,” she said as she picked up her bag and walked out the door.

          I sighed as I handed Louis my bowl. “I just wish we could do something,”

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