New Years (Part 3)

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Mina woke up to the sound of her alarm, groaning and stretching, not really wanting to get up. The realization hit her like a truck. It was today. Today's she's going to tie the knot with her best friend and boyfriend for 6 years. Today, she's going to get married to Mark.

She caught a glimpse of something shiny on her finger. She raised above to her eye level, a silver ring with a diamond sitting on top. The sun was shining from her window hits the diamond, making it shine brighter. She smiled giddily. Today, a wedding ring will join her engagement ring. Last night was the last time she would sleep alone because tomorrow she would wake up to Mark's gentle sleeping face. Her thoughts were interrupted when a knock came on her door.


"Hi!" She said to Mark, who was leaning on her doorframe.

"You shouldn't be here, though," She added as an afterthought.

She really doesn't believe in superstition, but she would rather have her day at peace rather than hear her mom tell her again and again how unlucky it is.

"Nah, It's alright. I got permission from your mom." Mina blinked, clearly surprised. "Huh, is that so? She keeps on telling me I can't see you yesterday."

Mark moved across her room and went straight for her, engulfing her in his embrace. "Why? You don't want to see me?" He asked, chuckling at her pouting face.

"Tsk, of course, I do," Mina said, hugging him back. Mark let out a huge sigh. They stayed in the embrace for a while, just feeling each other's warmth on such a cold day.

"I still can't believe I'm going to get married to you today," Mina whispered, tightening her hold on Mark's torso.

"Me too, love." He said as he took her lips in a short but sweet kiss.

They separated, but before Mark could let go, Mina pulled him towards her for a more passionate kiss. Her hands found their way to his nape and stayed there. His hands found their way to her waist and pulled her even closer to him. Mark, who was feeling tensed earlier, felt his body relax. They kissed for a while until a knock on the door made them break away from each other.

"Mina, let Mark go out already. We still have to prepare!" Mina's mom shouted outside her door. They both chuckled as Mark let Mina go.

"Well, your mom's calling. I'll see you later?" Mark asked with a hint of uncertainty in his voice. He's nervous. Mina thought to herself.

"Of course I'll see you," Mina said with a warm smile on her face trying to relieve him even just a bit of his anxiety.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2020 ⏰

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