Between The Lines

699 31 31

Mina's POV

"5 minutes till showtime! Mina, Mark, get ready!"  I stood up from my chair and went out of my dressing room to meet Mark, my partner, and co-MC. He's also a classmate and close friend.

"Mark!" I called out to him as he walked out of his room.

"Are you ready?" I asked and he took my hands. "Yep, let's go." And he pulled me to the mini stage.

"Mark! I almost tripped!" I said in an annoyed voice.  He immediately looks at me, clearly shocked.

"Oh gosh, Are you alright? I'm sorry I didn't know." He looked like he had seen a ghost. I felt the need to laugh at his face.

"I'm okay, don't worry."

The staff counted down to three to announce the start of the show, at 3, the first performer took the stage. Mark and I read the script to make sure that we do this right, but as I read the entirety of the script, a blush crept in my face.

Well, looks like this is another script that'll make my heart pound, that's for sure.

"Mark, Mina, Cue!"

"I love you," Mark said as he looked at me.

I knew what he would say, but it still felt very sudden for me. I froze for a second seeing nothing but his eyes. His eyes that's saying that he really loves me and not just for show. 

'stop it mina' I said to myself.

"What are you saying, Mark?" I continued the script as if nothing happened. "Ahh! Did I make your heart flutter Mina?"

'yes, you did.'

"Aigoo, stop it Mark the only thing that you should love must be EXID's new song, I love you right?"

"You're right! Now here's EXID with I Love You. " He gave a little chuckle as he said his line.

"That was great, Mark and Mina." Our PD said with great enthusiasm, we said our thanks before taking a seat.

"You know..." Mark started which made me look at him. " I didn't imagine that our script would turn out like this immediately after Ong Hyung left." I nodded in agreement. 

It was annoying to be very honest. This change in our dynamic on cam is making me feel things I should not have in the first place. It's making me believe in a made-up reality.

"What are they even trying to do? Set us up?" I gave a small laugh.

Mark | Mina ( One-Shots )Where stories live. Discover now