Break time

254 7 3

3rd Person

Mark, Mina, and the staff have been in Mark's dressing room since they arrived to practice, and now, it was time for them to take their break.

Mina, instead of going back to her dressing room, decided to stay at Mark's place to continue their practice without the staff and to hangout as well.

They were running through their script for the nth time, memorizing it along the way. They were side by side as they practice. Mark, who noticed the little space between them, thought of a plan.

He slowly moved his hands from his lap until it reached the space between them. To Mina's surprise, Mark poked her side, tickling her.

"Mark!" Mina shouted as she stood from her seat.

Mark has these innocent look on his face that Mina wants to wipe off. "What?" He asked, feigning innocence.

"Stop tickling me!" Mina said, looking annoyed, but Mark knew better. He knew she was laughing inside.

They did this for quite some time now. It all started when Mark accidentally poked her, causing her to be tickled. Mina shyly admitted that she was ticklish, which she regretted afterward when Mark intentionally tickled her side.

Mark snapped out of his trance when he heard Mina whisper under her breath. "That's how you want it, huh?"

Mark started laughing, "I wasn't doing anything!" but Mina ignored him and went forward with her goal.

Her hands reached out everywhere she can, to his sides, to his neck, and other tickle-sensitive areas that Mina came to know throughout their little game. Mark didn't back down, of course, his hands went straight to the places he already memorized, and in a minute, she was pinned down the sofa they were sitting on, laughing as if there's no tomorrow.

"Mark! Hahahah- Stop- it no-hahahaha" Mina was trying to speak the best as she could.

"What? What is it? Do you surrender now?"

"Never!" Mina said as she flipped the both of them, Mark lying under her. She stopped. He stopped, as well.

They were so close together, their faces were so close to each other, their breaths mingling. Mina was red, and she hopes Mark won't notice. Mark, on the other hand, was feeling the same as her. His heart was beating out of his chest. He wanted to break away, to break their eye-contact, but he couldn't. His body was not moving, and maybe, just maybe, in the farthest of his mind, that's what he really wanted to do.

"Mark! Mina! Are you done with you- I'm sorry!" One of the staff they worked with went inside the room but went out immediately as she saw their situation.

"Oh, Gosh, Sorry!"

"I'm sorry!"

They said at the same time.

Silence. It was very silent. Neither was looking at the other. Both were busy looking at other things, getting their hands busy as they fiddled with something close to them.

"I- I guess I'll go check what unnie wants. I'll see you later, bye!" Mina said in such a rush that Mark didn't get the time to respond. She dashed out the door quickly. As Mina reached her dressing room, she closed the door and leaned on it. Mina felt shaky. Her legs are giving out.

"Calm down, Mina!" She whispered to herself. Mina sat on the couch and leaned back. Flashes of what happened earlier filled her mind. She groaned loudly. How is she going to face Mark now?

Little did she know, in the room across her, the boy sitting on the couch was thinking the same thing. How did they handle the show? Well, let's just say that many fans are confused about why both of them are blushing the whole show.

- end - 


Just a little update before I probably not update the next few weeks. My midterms are close as I hope you enjoy the update!!

Love, Raine 

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