New Years (Part 2)

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3rd Person POV

It was December 31st, A few hours until new years Eve and Mina is walking towards her office alone. 5 years past and here she is again, taking the same path that she memorizes like the back of her palm.

It's a good thing she's been promoted to a higher position, giving her the luxury to take a holiday today. Yeah, that's why she was walking towards her office again, her boyfriend of 4 years, Mark, asked to meet her there instead of picking her up from her house. She wasn't complaining though.

She sat on the bench in front of her office, scrolling through her phone when a car honked in front of her making her jump.

"I hate you, you know that?" Mina said as she goes inside Mark's car.

"I love you too, Luv," He chuckled as he helps her fasten her seatbelt.

Mina's heart started to beat faster which was a daily occurrence for her during these past few years with him, but somehow it always felt like it was the first time.

"It's a good thing the car got fixed today or else we couldn't go today." Mina nodded in agreement.

The car they're using right now is Mark's first car, they bought it together after two years of being together and saving up.

"Where are we going anyway?" Mina asked curiously. It's been a while since he took her into a surprise date, in new years most of all. They would usually hang out at each other's place and curl up together on their couch.

"You'll see."

Their drive took a while but Mina doesn't seem to mind the time because both of them are busy chatting. Mina felt Mark's hands take her own, one holding her hand while the other on the steering wheel.

When they encountered a red sign, Mark observed Mina's hands thoughtfully. He was deep in thought and she could see that.

"Is there something wrong with my hand?" Mina started to feel conscious 'was something there?' she thought.

Mark cleared his throat and started driving again, "No, I just like holding them." Mina blushed at his words.

After a few minutes, they arrived at their destination.

"Are we going to wait for the countdown here?" Mina asked.

"Nope, I have somewhere else in mind."

They started walking through the Jardin d'amour with their hands entwined. Strolling through the garden that's been a huge part of their relationship is the best thing they've ever done.

Mina roamed her eyes around the park and spotted a decorated place nearby.

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