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"Ugh! I'm tired!" The girl in a short skirt and white blouse shouted as she sat next to the boy wearing clothes almost matching hers.

"Already?" The boy asked, concerned for his friend.

"Didn't sleep well last night." The girl answered as she closes her eyes, letting her head fall back to the couch.

"Take a rest then, Mina. We could continue later." The boy said to his partner, Mina, who smiled gratefully and closed her eyes to drift to sleep.

He enjoyed the silence inside the room. It was comfortable and soothing.

"Mark! Oh, I almost forgot!" The boy, Mark, was startled when Mina jumped from her seat, suddenly awake. She grabbed her phone from her bag and was excitedly tapping through it.

"I thought you were tired?" Mark asked.

" I am, but I remembered something."

"What is it?" He asked. "let's take a picture together, Mark."

"We have tons of pictures already. Rest first, Mina. I know you need that rest."

Mina pouted. "Well, if we do it now, then I could rest faster!"

Mark rolled his eyes. " Fine, okay, you win. One picture, alright? Then you rest okay?"

Mina smiled happily, "okay."

"Come here then," Mark grabbed her closer to him and looked at the phone's camera, which she was holding.

"1,2,3..." As her counting reached three, he turned his head to plant a kiss on the girl's cheek, leaving the girl surprised.

"There, now go rest. " He said while standing up to leave her to her own privacy.

"Wha-" Mina was left dumbfounded, but before Mark could get out of her room, she stood up and ran to him so she could place a kiss on his cheek.

"Thank you." She smiled at him.

Mark slowly closed the door with the biggest smile on his face.

"See you later."



A/N: Hi!! Thank you so much for 450 reads. I'll try to update more one-shots for y'all. Wash your hands, and stay safe!

P/S, Have you seen the ongkeumi selfie? I swear my heart can't take it. 

Mark | Mina ( One-Shots )Where stories live. Discover now