I Hope You Know (Part 2)

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Mina was pacing back and forth in her room, only stopping to check the letter. Her letter. The one Mark has, that's addressed to her. She was torn whether she should open it or not. Considering it was hers, she should open it, right? But what if He doesn't want her to read it, she should respect his privacy.

She groaned. "Ugh! I don't know what to do!". Mina gave the letter one last glance and sighed. Her instincts tell her to open it up, and they were never wrong before.

"I'm so sorry, Mark," she whispered under her breath and ripped the envelope open.


Mina was in shock. She read the letter again and again in hopes to fully understand the message, but every time she rereads it, all she could feel was the butterflies in her stomach and her heart beating erratically.

Mark likes her. He actually likes her! She ponders on his words, and she can't help but let those live in there. She takes his words to her heart and to her soul.

"How should I reply to him?"

In the spur of the moment, she brightened up and grabbed her stationery set from her drawer. It was the same set she bought with him when they decided to eat lunch one day. Taking her favorite pen, she started writing her train of thought.

Dear Mark,

First of all, I'm sorry I read your letter without your permission. I hope you forgive me. But without it, I wouldn't get to read what's inside. I'm so glad you followed your heart just like what I told you, but I didn't expect that you'll write to me. I can say I'm surprised, but I can't say I'm not happy with it. It makes me overjoyed. Thank you.

Guess what, I have a secret to tell you. I like you too. Maybe even more than I thought I do. Perhaps I even started to like you earlier than you did. You remembered that one? I was so nervous during that day, but I was glad it was you.

Hmmm... I think that's when I first started to become attracted to you. Also, I think you quite forgot that you smiled at me first, and that's what made me smile. The ice cream was just a great bonus.

You don't notice it, but you shine bright like the sun. Every time you go inside a room, it instantly lights up, making me feel light and happy every time you're around. You're hardworking and honest, leaving everyone you meet fascinated, especially me.

Do you know that your eyes shine? Whenever I get to look at you, I feel like the stars are reflected in them. Ah, this is getting cheesier than I thought. But I do hope you know where I am getting at. I am ecstatic that you like me, Mark. I feel like I'm over the moon.

I can't wait to see you, meet me at the school's rooftop? I'll see you there.


Kang Mina

Mina sighed after writing the letter. "I hope this will reach him."

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