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"I'm coming in 5 minutes. Love you " That's the message Mark had sent Mina, last.

In a few days, he would be flying across the globe to see their fans and give a show they probably won't forget. It means he's going home soon. That's why instead of practicing, their manager gave them the day to do what they want to do before they leave for about a month or two. And that's why Mark is driving to Mina's apartment today.

With Mina's favorite foods in his right and his things in the other, Mark headed to the elevator, which will take him to his destination. He plans on spending the night at her place. His manager will pick him up with the rest of the boys tomorrow morning.

"Hey!" The girl in front of him greeted.


"Come inside," Mina motioned him in.

Mark wanted to take Mina outside for this day, but they can't since they are supposed to be dating secretly, and the fans can't know it. He thinks it would be better if they are outside, but today, he guesses it's better inside. Mina took the foods in his hands and gushed about how she was craving it recently.

"Yeah, I remember you told me that last night. I can't forget it." He told her with a huge smile on his face. She hugged him and whispered thanks.

"So, what did you plan for us today?" Mina asked him. He was confident in his plan for today. He knows they will enjoy it.

"Well, why don't we start by cooking lunch?" Mark asked hesitantly.

"Okay, I'll cook. What do you want?" Mina said, but Mark cut her off.

"No, I was talking about myself. I'll cook for you." Mina laughed hard. 

"You cook? Are you sure?"

"Hey! I asked Taeyong Hyung to teach me this meal, don't worry, I got this, trust me." Mina smiled adorably.

He turned his back away from her and took the cooking supplies hidden behind her kitchen drawers. He was cutting the vegetables needed for the meal when he felt Mina hug him from behind. He froze in shock but relaxed after a few seconds. It wasn't like Mina to show this much affection, especially since they've seen each other yesterday.

"Thank you," Mina said quietly. 

"For the meal? It's alright." He felt her hugged tighter burying her face on his back. He felt the beating of his heart hastened.

"Make sure it's delicious okay?" Mina whispered before pulling away. Mark could only laugh.

It wasn't that long until Mark finished the meal. They both started to eat their meal, laughing and talking about things they know or have heard before.

Mark | Mina ( One-Shots )Where stories live. Discover now