Fancy Wear

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Wherein Mark has to fulfill his parents' wish to dress up nice during their party and Mina, his childhood best friend,  tease him


"I still don't get why I should wear those clothes mom!" Mark complains to his mother for the nth time already.

"You have to, it's so we could all match, please your dad is expecting you to wear that."

He looks at the blue wooled vest, white long-sleeved buttoned-up shirt, and khakis. He made a face of disgust. It wasn't his style, no, not at all.

"This is final Mark, no objections, I'll see you later at the ballroom, I have to make sure everything is ready for the party."

Mark took the clothes, and when his Mom went out of his room, he plopped down his bed and covered his face with a pillow and shouted.

"Stupid parties!" He loves his parents, but sometimes they can get annoying, especially during parties like this. Why oh why does he have to do this.

He gives a large sigh, before standing up, better get this over with.

He started dressing himself up in his bathroom after he went out of the room to check himself out.

He made a face, "I look like a schoolboy." He stared at the mirror more not knowing how would he style himself to make it more appealing to him.

"What the fuck are you wearing?" Someone said from his door.

He turned around to see Mina, his best friend since diapers, standing by his doorframe.

"You didn't knock." He said.

"When am I required to?" She said smirking.


"You didn't answer me though, what is that?" She was now sitting on his bed, staring at him, trying to hold in her laugh.

"You can laugh now." As he said that, Mina started laughing out so loud, he swore he can see tears in her eyes.

Mark was more annoyed, "Mom's order, she told me my dad expects me to wear it to the party."

Mina was still laughing, "Now your parties are fun, they should've made you wear those things before."

He glared at her. Mina laughed again, rolling over his bed.

"Mark are you done dressing up?" Mark's mother asked from outside his room, opening it in the process.

"You look good, son!" She fussed over him, while Mark was sulking.

Mark | Mina ( One-Shots )Where stories live. Discover now