Winter Wonderland

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Wherein Mina thought she's spending Christmas alone until Mark came over whose also just as lonely as she.


"Sleigh bells ring, are you listening? 

In the lane, snow is glistening

A beautiful sight

We're happy tonight

Walking in a winter wonderland"

It's Christmas evening, and Mina's spending it all alone. Well, she wasn't alone the whole day, with all the presents to be delivered and greetings to be said she had a busy day, but she hopes to spend the evening with someone at least.

She was supposed to spend it with some of her friends, but there were some changes, canceling all the plans they made, and now she's alone in her apartment with a bottle of red wine, some snacks her family gave and a stack of old film CDs she's already watched before.

It was 8 pm, perfect for film watching before she would sleep. She opened the microwave, tossing in the popcorn and turning it on.

"No, not that. Hmmm... Maybe? Okay no." Mina was looking through her stacks of CDs finding a film she would like to watch. Finally settling with 10 things I hate about you, her sister's favorite movie.

Hana told her how good this movie is, when she told Hana that she hasn't seen the movie yet, her face of shock was unforgettable. Hana got her a copy of the movie as a present.

Mina giggles as the memory came to her, after putting the CD on her player, she stood up to get the popcorn out of the microwave finding a cute bowl she once bought on sale to put the popcorn.

Mina flopped on her couch, starting the movie. She was halfway through the movie when the loud sound of her doorbell rang around her room.

"Who could it be in this hour?" Mina asked herself, not expecting visitors at 9 pm.

She opened the door and it revealed, Mark Lee, dressed in his large coat, and sweater. He was holding a bag of what seems to be wine.

"Merry Christmas Mina!" He said with a soft smile on his face.

"Mark! What a surprise, what are you doing here?" She asked, moving aside to let him in.

"You mentioned yesterday, you were spending time alone this evening, I, whose also alone thought you would like some companion."

Mina shot an appreciative look at Mark. She was okay spending it alone, but she admits, Mark's sudden arrival made her wish she was with someone tonight, thank God he came.

"Here's some wine, as a present, and this one too." Mark gave her the bag he was holding and a small box to go with it.

"Thank you! Wait, sit down, I'll get yours."

Mark | Mina ( One-Shots )Where stories live. Discover now