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"Mark, give it back!" Mina ran all over her apartment to reach Mark who was running away from her. 

"Give me back my phone!!" Mina jumped into Mark's back, hanging from his neck, wrapping her legs around his torso. 

"Give it!" 

"Nope!" Mark dropped her to the sofa, once free from her, he opened her phone. Mina ran again towards him, reaching the phone, but Mark extended his hand to stop her. 

"Aha! I knew it." Mark shouted. 

Mina rolled her eyes and gave a slight pout, sitting on the couch. 

"Yeah, yeah." 

"So when did he get your number? You didn't tell me you are seeing someone." Mark finally gave her back the phone. 

Mina laughed at his accusation, "I didn't tell you because it doesn't matter, Jihoon is just a friend." 

"Are you sure?" He furrowed his eyebrows together. 

"Yeah. Why do you want to know anyways, jealous?" Mina teased him. 

"What? No! Of course not! Why would I be jealous?" Mark rambled. He denied it again and again even to himself, but even if he denies it, he knows he's jealous. 

'you know the reason why you'll get jealous Mark?' the voice inside his head asked him, taunting him even more. 

"Because you love me." Mark shot his head up at what Mina said. It seems like she answered the question in his head. 

Mina leaned toward Mark to see his reaction and leaned back laughing when she saw he was blushing furiously. 

"Markeu is jealous~" Mina ran across her apartment, chanting those three words in a singsong voice. He was chasing her now. 

"Come back here Mina!" Mark ran as fast as he can with his long legs as his advantage. In no time he caught up with her and lifted her then throwing her to the sofa where he was finally hovering above her, trapping her with his arms and legs. 

"Get off, Mark!" 

"Nope!" Mark laughed.

"You're just jealous!" She teased again. 

Mark suddenly felt brave and leaned closer to her face, " What if I am?" 

They were both left silent and were just staring at each other. Mark's gaze was sending shivers to Mina's spine, especially seeing his gaze lower into her mouth. Absentmindedly, Mina licked her lips. 

Mark laughed in his mind and snapped out of his thoughts, what was he doing anyway? He got off her and instead laid down beside her. She was crushed between his body and the back of the sofa. 

"Why did you become silent?" Mark asked. 

"I didn't know whether you were serious or not. I didn't know how to respond." 

"I'm serious though, I'm not joking." Mina faced Mark, her face filled with uncertainty. 

"I am very jealous right now, what are you gonna do about it?" Mark faced Mina, their faces centimeters apart, eyes reading each other. 

"Why?" Mark closed his eyes at her question. He didn't expect that they'll reach this point, to be honest, confessing to his Best friend for almost 10 years, laying together on her sofa. 

"Because I love you. I want you, I want to show you to the world and tell them you're mine and not just my best friend but as the girl that I love the most." 

Mina smiled as she grabbed his hands and placed it on her face. "Then I'll let you be jealous because I want that too," Mina said with the biggest smile. 

- end -

Mark | Mina ( One-Shots )Where stories live. Discover now