New Years

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In which Mark and Mina spend their new year at work


It was December 31, and Mina is spending her time at work rather than enjoying the holidays.

Why, that's the question she hears a lot these days, every friend she meets, asking her why choose to burden yourself, when you can have fun. Mina could only laugh, "Crazy right" she replies.

But Mina is still here, in front of her laptop working on documents her boss needs by the time the holiday ends.

Is it too strange to say that she doesn't regret it at all? She decided entirely that New Year is not for her to celebrate, especially if the next year will be the same agonizing pattern she lives. Instead of just sulking in her apartment that was devoid of life, she decided to spent her new years here, in her desk trying to ease the workload she has.

The office was dark, only the lights near her, and the lights that lead to the bathroom and exit are open. The office was big and scary when alone, that's why she's thankful she isn't.

Mark, her colleague and senior of 1 year, was also there working on documents needed after the holidays. She doesn't know why he's here nor does she ask, he looks like he prefers to be alone, nor does she want to talk to someone today, her only goal is to distract herself from her lonely life. But that doesn't mean she's not curious, oh she is.

Mark is the most hardworking employee she had encounter, earning himself a name even though he's only been working here for 3 years. They are at the same age, but he started their earlier making him her senior but she never did call him sunbae due to Mark's request to just drop the honorifics, and he looks cute too. Okay, maybe she kinda likes him, that's why she wonders why he doesn't have someone to spend the holidays with.

It was 11:30 pm, 30 minutes until the countdown to the new years, she was still engrossed in reading her documents that she doesn't notice how time passed. Well, she was not planning to leave this place early, she planned on leaving her office after the countdown, when the celebration already died down not wanting the loud sound of fireworks and other noisemakers they use, ruin her sleep which she's thankful she could extend until the next day.

She put down the papers she's holding and stretched her arms before deciding to go to the buildings rooftop garden. She didn't want to celebrate the new years, but she has always loved the fireworks and how they light up the sky, well it's only for 5 minutes, she needed to take a break.

She opened the door leading the garden and was greeted by a gush of cold air that made her shiver. She should've brought her coat. She leaned by the railing that overlooks one of the busiest streets in the city. There's a lot of people, more than what she usually sees every day. There are groups of friends, walking together probably going to the nearest bar or karaoke to celebrate the new year with.

There are also families, walking together finding a good spot to watch the fireworks display. She let out a small smile, she misses the time where her family spend new years together, but right now they can't, she's in the city working for them while they're in the countryside. She misses Jeju a lot, but she won't come back there until she proves to her parents that she has a great life here.

Mark | Mina ( One-Shots )Where stories live. Discover now