I Hope You Know (Part 1)

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3RD Person POV

It was their English class, and Mark's class was tasked to write a letter to someone close to their heart.

Mark sighed. Who can he write to? Not his parents, he always chooses his parents. It has to be different now. His friends? Nope, never them. They'll just tease him to death.

He looked around the room to see if he could just give his letter to someone in his class until his eyes landed on Mina.

Mark smiled warmly. Mina was his friend. They're close but not too close, just enough to know a lot about her, and he likes her.

He wanted to confess to her for a while now. Maybe writing a letter could help him? Mark shook his head no.

"I can't, I'm not ready yet," Mark whispered to himself. Frustration was evident on his face.

"Not ready for what?" Someone behind him said. He looked back and saw Mina. He panicked for one good second but calmed down immediately.

"It was nothing, just a random thought." Mark smiled, trying to mask his nervousness. She stopped in front of his desk.

"You look frustrated, you okay?" Mina asked, seeing something was not right with him.

"I'm okay, I just can't find a person to give my letter to."

Mina was silent for a while, thinking about what suggestion she could give Mark.

"Well, Our teacher said to write someone close to our hearts, You should follow your heart and see what it leads to." Mina ruffled his hair and left, leaving Mark in awe and blushing.

"Follow my heart..." Mark whispered to himself again. With that, he took Mina's advice and started writing a letter where his heart leads.

It leads to her.

"Dear Mina," He started to write.

He paused. What does he write next? He was torn. He doesn't know whether he should continue or not.

"Okay, you got this, Mark. Follow your heart."

He wrote without any pauses, only to think about the appropriate words that he should put there. He was done after 30 minutes has passed.

Dear Mina,

To be very honest, I don't know what to write. I didn't even know who to wite to until you told me to follow my heart, and now it lead me to write to you.

How do I start this? I guess I'll have to say it directly, I like you, Mina. I didn't know when it started, but I just knew it one day when I looked at you, and my heart starts beating erratically. It sounds so cheesy, but you make me happy. Your smile makes me swoon and makes me feel so light.

The way you go out of your way to help those in need is impressive to me. I don't know that anyone could be that selfless until I met you. Remember when we first met? You helped me find my way here in our campus even though you didn't know this school well. I couldn't forget you then.

I also remembered when we became friends, it was a spur of a moment. Under the big tree in our school garden, you were crying. It was my first time seeing you cry, and it was strange because you look happy and strong all the time. I gave you the Ice Cream I was supposed to eat, and then you smiled at me so warmly that I forgot you were crying.

We've shared so many moments together, and I treasure all of them but most importantly, I adore you. I searched and asked myself why I like you, but I guess the answer is because it's you. I don't need a lot of reasons. I just need you.

I don't need you to respond, nor reciprocate my feelings. I just want you to know that you are loved, and you are an inspiration to many people, including me. I just realized I didn't know how to end this. I guess I'll just say goodbye, and thank you!


Mark Lee

Mark ran over his letter for the 4th time and sighed, "I think that's good enough."

He roamed his eyes across the room to find Mina. He wants to give it to her as soon as he could.

The bell rang, signaling it was lunchtime already. He went up, slowly approaching Mina, when he saw Mina's friends approach her.

Mark's confidence immediately faltered and turned back. He slipped the letter inside his book and walked away.

"Next time, I'll do it next time." He grumbled the way out.

As Mark walked away, the letter slips out of the book he put it in, and landed on the floor.

Small steps approached the letter and picked it up.

"To Kang Mina," The person read. "It's for me?" She added.

"Wonder what this is about?" Mina said as she kept the letter in her bag and went out for lunch.

- part 1 end-


In honor of this story reaching 4K reads, I offer you a new one-shot!! Thank you so much for supporting this story even though I don't post that often. I'll try to post more and make more Keumi one-shots to soothe our KeuMi drought lol. Thank you very much, It has only been 10 months since I stated this, and I feel so happy and overwhelmed with your support.

This chapter is a little bit shorter than others, but nonetheless I hope you enjoy. Part 2 will come soon please anticipate it!! 

Please keep supporting Mark and Mina with their projects and schedules. 



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