The 9 Times We Stared

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The first time was purely coincidental.

I was looking behind you, and when my eyes reached yours, I thought you were staring into mine, but it was just a coincidence.

Little did I know you were looking at me too, after a time.


The second time was short.

We passed each other by the hallways, and as soon as you were just a foot apart, your eyes locked with mine.

But after a second, we look away.


The third time was fairly amusing.

I was walking down the stairs when our eyes met. I was so caught up in you that I missed a step going down.

I almost fell, but I laughed. The funny thing is you were chuckling too. And that made everything much better.


The 4th was a beginning. Beginning of a new relationship, a new friendship.

We passed each other again by the hall but with smiles that Were never there before. We didn't look away as soon as our eyes met, but rather we said hello,

And that's when I knew something changed.


The fifth was recognizing.  Recognizing what was there, recognizing that blossoming friendship.

I was sitting by the garden bench when you approached me with your eyes staring into mine. You sat beside me, eyes never looking away,

And as far as we know it, we were talking for hours.


The sixth time was Euphoric.

The day you asked me to be yours, I stared at your eyes for so long I thought I had it memorized. Your eyes were full of love, desire, and admiration.

I never felt so happy by just looking in your eyes and knowing you love me.


The seventh was heartbreaking. Crushing even.

You looked at me with so much pain as I did too. When did it turn out like this? When did all the love die?

Will your eyes share the same look with mine again?


The eight was unconditional.

Finally, we overcame all the challenges, and it all comes to this. You look at me as if I was the only thing in front of you. You looked at me with so much unconditional love in front of our families and everyone we loved.

We stared until our faces were centimeters apart. This time our eyes closed, and we had our first kiss as man and wife.


The ninth was pure contentment.

You stared at me, and I stared at you, and we both looked down to stare at our little bundle of joy. You told me the eyes looked like mine, but I think they're yours.

But it doesn't matter, because I got you and you got me, and we got our little love and joy.

And that is all that matters.


Hey! Thank you for reading this!!

As you probably notice, This story has not mentioned any name since I made this not really thinking of a portrayer, but I decided to make the portrayers Mark and Mina since I love them both. 

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