Chapter 4: La Volpe del Deserto

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Right now Atsumu was just chilling on the bed of his hotel in Barcellona. It was incredible how the four of them passed from having nothing to possess nearly thirty luxury hotels like that one all around Europe and not only in just five years. But now wasn't the time to relax, he had a meeting with the boss of Inarizaki at midnight in the club they owned "Recuerdos". 

Atsumu got dressed and then entered his limousine with some of his men. During the journey he played with the ring n his medium finger of his right hand. Hinata had given to the four of them aring like that when they made their firs big money. The four rings were all in gold with the same structure but different measures adapting perfectly to the finger of the possessor.

On the inside of each ring there was written their mafia nickname in Italian, the country in which they restarted their lives together. On the inside of Hinata's ring ther was written "Rosso Malpelo", on Bokuto's "Gufo", on Sakusa's "Dottore" and on Atsumu's "Volpe del Deserto".

Atsumus nickname meant "Desert Fox" he was named this wy because he was smart and tricy as a fox and because his hair was the color of sand.

He was lost in thought for most of the journey and before he noticed they were in front of the disco. Atsumu gave his name to the bodyguard at the VIP entrance who let him inside the club.

At a table he saw the familiar face of the boss Shinsuke Kita with his second in command Aran Ojiro and the head of the intelligence Rintaro Suna. What shocked him the most was the face he saw at a corner of the table, a face he hadn't seen for more than five years, the only reminder of that face being the reflection of Atsumu's face in the mirror.

-Osamu?!- Asked Atsumu while he thought that his head was going to explode. "Is he really my twin brother? Maybe he's just someone that looks like him... what the fuck am I thinking? That face is identical to mine! Why is he here? Does he know who I am? What if he knew but didn't want to contact me because now he hates me?" thought Atsumu.

-Brother...I'm honored that you remember me even after all this years.- said Osamu.

-How could I forget you?- said Atsumu hiding any sign of emotion from his face and showing his usual smirking-bitch face.

-I don't know, maybe because you tried to make me believe that you died in a car accident! If you wanted that I don't think you really cared about me.- said Osamu with an accusing voice more than a hurt one.

-You know there was no other way to escape that fucking boring shithole that was our life. And for you to be here I imagine you have done the same thing as me. Maybe you even faked suicide because you couldn't stand the loss of your twin, and if it's so I made it way easier for you to escape so you're welcome.- said Atsumu trying to calm his brother down with his joking tone.

-You don't understand. I perfectly knew you weren't dead, call it a twin sense or whatever the fuck you want. It wasn't the fact that you escaped that angered me, it was the fact that you did it without me. We're twins, we must not be parted to work a our best, or at least I thought so... the truth is that our lives are going a lot better since we took separate ways. For yhis reason I never looked for you and I asked Kita not to be present at all the meetings with your clan.- answered Osamu and in his eyes could be seen a shadow of hurt, even if from his voice transpired only anger.

Atsumu was happy to see that even after all those years he could still read perfectly his brother's mind, and probably it was the same for Osamu. Hwever he couldn't help to feel a little sad and also guilty because he left his brother behind.

-You are right brother. It seems that since we are apart our lives improved, but you have to consider that we chose similar paths and this paths are destined to cross each other for several times so weather you like it or not our destinies will always be tied to each other.- said Atsumu  with his smirking face.

Osamu tried to calm himself, because having his brother in front of him being a bitch like when they were teens made him want to go there and beat the shit out of him like in the good old days.

-You...are...- said Osamu rady to sprint towards his brother to assault him when he felt a hand on his shoulder.

-Come on Osamu now that you and your brother are finally reunited you could as well try to get along...- said Suna. While Atsumu only got more annoyed by the interruption of a stranger, Osamu seemed to calm down at the contact with the other boy's hand.

-And how is this your business? May I ask...- said Atsumu to Suna.

At this point osamu regained control of himself and tried again to shut his brother's mouth.

-Actually he is my boyfriend, and don't talk to him like you have more right than him over me, since you can't say to be my family more than he is.- said Osamu.

At this point Atsumu was really astonished. "Not only that fucking brat is in a powerful mafia as well as me, he also has found a boyfriend before me!" he thought angry at the fact that his brother had beaten him one more time.

-Now that the family reunion is finished we can talk about business. What do you have for us Miya?- said the boss Kita, diverting Atsumu from his thoughts.

-Yeah, sure. We are planning to take down Shiratorizawa.- said Atsumu. Then he started explaining all the details of the operation and for the next hour every body listened to what he had to say.

-You can give me the answer in the next four days, then I have to return to the base. It would be better if you sent one or two of your closest men to help with the preparatives for the operation. Only an hour ago my second in command told me that also Aoba Johsai will be joining the operation, while Dateko still has to give us the answer, but we will know before the four days are over.

-By tomorrow you will know our answer.- said Kita with a calm voice.

-Perfect, adios boss Kita y adios hermano, a la esperanza que un dia los nuestros caminos se van a cruzar otra vez.*

The following day Atsumu was awakened by a person knocking loudly at the door of his suite. "Who the fuck wants a bullet in his head at eight in the morning?!" thought Atsumu getting up and charging his gun. 

He opened the door, ready to shoot, only to find his brother with his wolfy boyfriend. 

-What the fuck do you want?- said Atsumu with a bored voice.

Osamu looked like he wanted to puke on Atsumu's feet, but then Suna nudged his arm and Osamu decide to tlak after letting out a deep breath.

-We're in. And Rin and I are coming with you. Kita said that it would have been a chance to make peace with you.- He said with the tone of a kid who had just been punished.

-Amazing! Now you can meet the three crackeds I left you behind for! You won't be deluded.- Said Atsumu mocking his brother, but happy inside to finally spend some time with his brother.


* Goodbye boss Kita, and goodbye brother, hoping that one day our pats will cross again.


Chapter four is concluded. Next one we're returning to Hinata in Sicily. What will happen? What are I Corvi planning?

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