Chapter 13: Simulation

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When Hinata's pupils were fully dilated Sugawara was sure he wouldn't feel anything so he told Kageyama and Yamaguchi that the action could start.

-Now I can finally repay you for punching me in the face even if you knew you were about to get caught.- said Kageyama to Hinata.

-Kageyama I don't think he can understand you...- said Yamaguchi.

-Well, the shortie has gained some of my respect after that move... he even mocked you while being tied to a chair. He has some courage...- said Tsukishima to Kageyama.

-Actually I'm not surprised by that. From the information we gained of him it's clear that this guy is crazy. I've never met him before, but it's known that he is one of the best fighters in his gang. In only five years he participated at seventy-four missions as a first line main fighter, out of these missions sixty-five were successfull. - started to explain Sugawara reading a fascicle.

-And he started at nineteen... he's the same age as Kageyama, Tsukishima and Yamaguchi and his curriculum can totally compete with yours.- finished Sugawara.

-This guy is a crazy idiot with a death wish!- said Kageyama -Who the fuck voluntarily goes as a first line fighter in every mission!? It's a miracle he's not dead yet...-

-You're right Kageyama, but if he caused you so much trouble in trying to kidnapping he has some skills fore sure, and he would be a very useful addition to the AS1... we should mention it in the agreement with his clan.- said Daichi.

-What?! You can't be serious! Our squad doesn't need more attack power!- protested Kageyama.

-Actually... Kageyama... Daichi is right. Our missions are complicated, we don't have just to go and kill people. We usually have to kidnap someone and steal some resources, you can't do the part of killing enemies and keep everyone safe all by yourself.- said Yamaguchi proving Daichi's point.

-Tch. Whatever... let's just get going with the plan.- Said Kageyama before punching Hinata in the face.

-Kageyama... calm down, we don't want to hurt him more than necessary...- said Suga scolding him a bit.

-Yeah, I know. That was to give back the punch he gave me before.- answered Kageyama before resuming the beating.

After a few minutes both Kageyama and Yamaguchi were done with their job and Hinata was still in his dreamland with his body full of cuts and bruises and a creepy smile on his face.

-Daichi. We're done here. Hurry up and make the video. His face is creeping me out...- said Suga.

-Okay. Tsukishima take the camera and record over here.- said Daichi moving towards Hinata.

At that point Tsukishima took the camera and started recording Daichi that was standing besides Hinata gripping the back of his chair. 

Then he started talking: -If you don't come to this place within three hours your precious membere here will die. Don't try to attack us, the place is well guarded and you would die for no reason. The message will be destroyed in ten minutes, so hurry up and find our location.- 

After Daichi spoke Tsukishima ended the recording. -Okay now you have four days to prepare an encrypted message, then we will send it to the Black Jackals. If they are skilled enough to find this place then we will make the offer. Until that day we will move to our base in Sicily in Cefalù, so the young man here can recover from all the drugs he assumed. When he wakes up and can compose a sentence with a proper meaning we will explain him the plan, but don't tell him what the offer is about. Everything clear?- said Daichi.

-Yessir!- answered the people in the room at the same time.

-Oh, and... Kageyama?- continued Daichi.

-What boss?- asked Tobio.

-While we're in Cefalù you will be in charge of Hinata.- said Daichi.

-What?! Why me!? I'm paid to complete missions not to babysit!- said Kageyama shocked.

-I know. But I think that you could learn something from him, and if the Black Jackals accept our offer you would have to work with him anyways since you're specialized in the same field as him.- said Daichi and Kageyama couldn't find any reasonable argument to complain.

The fact that bothered Kageyama so much was that the red-haired boy brought him on the edge and made him lose his temper and concentration, and for this reason he had lost to him in the fight they had before.

-Fine. But I won't be responsible for the eventual damages he will create at the base.- said Kageyama before untying Hinata from the chair. 

-Okay Kageyama, but I doubt that for the next two days he will cause any damage, seen the state he's in now. Now we'd better go it's almost six in the morning.- said Suga and with that they headed out of the building with Kageyama carrying Hinata over the shoulder.

The six members of I Corvi, plus an unconscious Hinata, accompained by the guards took different cars and went to Cefalù, which wasn't very far from Palermo. 

The Crows' property in Cefalù consisted in a modern and expensive mansion out of the city, far from the eyes of the people. The mansion was apparently normal, excep from the fact that it had an underground area that was stocked with smuggled drugs. 

The base had the function of stocking the drugs coming from abroad before moving them to northern Italy. It wasn't the only base they had around Sicily but it was the closest to Palermo. 

The mansion was also used quite often by them when they wanted to take a break during the year. Cefalù was just a small city and there weren't any gangs that held som business around it, plus the sea was amazing.

When they arrived Kageyama took Hinata to the room where he would sleep when he was there an laid him on the couch. There were six bedrooms on the second floor, every bedroom had its own bathroom and Kageyama was the only one that had a room all to himself. 

Sometimes it made him feel depressed, because he was the only one in the nine people forming the council who hadn't found his special someone. Suga and Daichi had always been a copule like Tsukishima and Yamauchi. Asahi and Nishinoya had become closer and closer over the years. Ennoshita fell in love with Yachi, the sweet secretary of the clan. Even Tanaka had been able to make his loved Kyoko love him back. 

It's not like Kageyama hated being alone, he just felt like he was out of place sometimes. And now he also had to babysit the drugged kid.

"I can't wait the day of the meeting arrives..." thought Kageyama watching the short boy drooling all over the couch.


Hello! Chapter 13 is done! I'm sorry that my updates are very unregular, I'll try my best. What do you think about the plan? What will happen in the meeting? Next chapter will probably be from Hinata's point of view. Please VOTE my story.

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