Chapter 7: The Cats' Failure

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Kuroo had just finished to watch Yaku ripping off all the spy's nails. The man had already told them everything he knew. 

Now he had to eliminate the body in another room of the dungeons they kept some acid tanks, to cancel the trcks of any killing. You just had to put the body in one of them upside down and in thirty to fourty-five minutes there will remain no track of it. 

He had just put the dead man in one of the tanks, when he recived an SOS call from Kenma with his position. You were never supposed to answer an SOS call you just had to reach your companion's position as soon as possible after alerting the clan.

If Kenma was in danger, then probably Hinata was too. "You better protect my boyfriend Shrimpy..." Thougt Kuroo.

Kuroo seriously hoped that Kenma was fine, he had always been his best friend and since a few years ago they had become a copule. However they had decided to keep it secret because they didn't want the clan to think that this relationship could interfere with their job.

They had been perfectly able to coordinate their feelings and their job. Thinking of it the only things that had changed from when Kuroo and Kenma were best friends were that now they had sex almost every night and lived together, but aside from that they told the other everything also when they were best friends. 

Their love story had just been a natural evolution of their friendship, and when they realized their feelings for the other they almost immediately confessed.

Nobody had ever been suspicious, because Kuroo used to take care of Kenma also before he fell in love with him so not one of their frieds noticed the change in their relationship. 

After one year and a half Kuroo decided to tell Bokuto since they were very close friends and after two years Kenma told Hinata for the same reason. The two of them had nothing against it since they had always managed to remain professional at work.

Now Kuroo was very worried for his boyfriend and after leaving te room of the acid tanks he went back to the torture room to alert Yaku and Lev. In fifteen minutes the assault squad "I Gatti" was operative. 

There were Kuroo, the coordinator of the squad, Yaku, Lev, Yamamoto, Kai, Inuoka, Fukunaga and Shibayama.

They took four cars, and went to Kenma's and his house. First they went into the apartment only to find it empty, except for the bodies of the dead Crows scattered around the living room.

-This uniforms... belong to the AS1 of those fucking Crows.- said Kuroo turning one of the bodies to see the the writings on the jacket more clearly. Infact on the back of the bulletproof jacket there was a sign that said "AS1 Corvi".

-No sign of Kenma or Hinata.- Said Yaku after checking the rooms.

-Okay let's check the neighborhood maybe there's a chance they're still here.- said Kuroo trying to keep his hopes high.

Kuroo sterted checking the alleys around his house and when he saw a rope dangling from the window of the main bedroom of their apartment he decided to check that alley better.

At a certain point Kuroo heard a groan of pain coming from behind a dumpster. He moved the dumpster and saw Kenma with a terrifying pale face, it was worst than when he played at his videogames all night long.

He had blood all over his T-shirt that Kuroo recognized as the one Kenma used to sleep in. He was clutchin at his shoulder trying desperately to slow the blood flow.

-Guys. I found Kenma.- said Kuroo through their communication system.

Then he looked at Kenma, relief spreading in his heart because he had found him and he was relatively fine. All thanks to Shouyou that probably had sacrificed himself to save his friend like he always did. 

And when sometimes Kuroo couldn't stand Hinata putting the life of other people before his, since they lived in an enviroment where you kill or get killed, now he was greatful to that Shrimp for saving Kenma's life.

-Kuroo. You're here...- said Kenma with a relieved voice.

-Yeah. I'm here. Let's take you to the clan hospital, you lost a lot of blood but the wound doesn't seem deadly...- started to say Kuroo picking him up and walking towards the cars.

-But Shouyou... he saved me... the AS1... they took him, he was the target.- tried to say Kenma.

-I know, but we can't do anything about it now. You'll report the attack when you feel better.- said Kuroo.

-Kenma! You're fine! Well... not so fine, but you're alive!- said Lev.

-Wow Lev! I really think you raised his mood.-  said Yaku while hitting the taller guy in the head.

The clan hospital was an area on the second floor of the building where the offices of the clan were. This area had everything necessary to cure a member of the clan without having to go to a real hospital and alert the authorities.

They took Kenma in the area of the hospital specialized in battle wounds. Doctor Konoha attached Kenma to a blood flebo and then proceeded to remove the bullet from his shoulder. Once he had removed the piece of metal the doctor stitched up Kenma's wound and then he gave him some painkillers and a cicatrizing creme.

After being sure that his boyfriend was fine Kuroo considered the fact that he had to tell Bokuto, Sakusa and Atsumu that Hinata had been kidnapped. He didn't know how they would have reacted.

Bokuto probably would have a breakdown, Atsumu a rage outburst ad Sakusa would try to stay calm and find a solution. Anyways in less than twelve hours the three of them would have been back and they could find a plan to save Hinata together.

Kuroo took out his phone and proceeded to call Bokuto. The phone rang three times before the other picked up.

-Oya, what is it Kuroo? It's six in the morning...- said Bokuto with a sleepy voice.

-Hey, i know sorry. But it's very urgent. I know you aren't supposed to be back until this early afternoon, but it would be better if you hurry up. Do you remember the documents we sent you some days ago about I Corvi that were up to something?- said Kuroo.

-Yeah I remember, but how is it related to our return in Italy?- asked Bokuto still half asleep.

-Well we captured a spy and we got some information, Hinata went to Kenma so he could fiure their plan out, but they were attacked. Kenma was shot and Hinata... was kidnapped by th AS1 of the bastards Crows.- answered Kuroo with a strong hint of regret in his voice.

-Bokuto... are you still there?- asked Kuroo not hearing a reaction from the other.

-I swear... if they do anything to him... I will hunt them down until I've killed the last one of them.- said Bokuto in a deadly serious voice.

-But first, I have some business to finish here, I will be in Italy before two in the afternoon.- he added returning to his usual self. Then he hung up without adding anything.

Kuroo was surprised by his friend's reaction but didn't question it, Bokuto never lost time in chatter he always went straight to the point. "But what business does he have to finish? Dateko said yesterday that they wouldn't have been part of the plan..."

Chapter seven is finished! Next chapter we will see how Bokuto will react to Hinata's kidnapping. But what about Akaashi?

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