Chapter 17: Accept?

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-We want to offer you our help to take down Shiratorizawa with a special assault squad, called Task Force Fly (TFF), that will be attacking simultaneously to the other squad from the sky.-

Hinata watched in silence as Daichi made the offer to Atsumu. "What?! A collaboration between us? It's not going to work... but it could be interesting, maybe I could be in the special assault squad and do something different working with different people." he thought.

-An why the fuck should I accept your offer?!- shouted Atsumu.

-Atsumu calm down. Now it's my turn to talk.- said Sakusa seeing that Atsumu was too angry for any kind of bargaining.

-Sorry he's just mad because he was worried for Hinata's safety, and when he found out that he was okay he felt like you pulled a prank on him.- explained Sakusa.

-Stop excusing me like I'm a child.- whispered Atsumu so that only Sakusa could hear.

-Now we'd like to know the details of the collaboration before deciding weather to accept or not.- continued Kyoomi.

-Sure, I was about to say the different points of the contract, let me take the written copies for you so it's easier to follow.- said Daichi and then Suga distributed four copies to Atsumu, Sakusa, Kuroo and Bokuto.

-We've made different researches so we know many details about your plan to take down Shiratorizawa also known as Plan Haikyuu. We are offering you an ulterior support to attack Shiratorizawa's base, your plan only implies an attack from the ground, but we considered that attacking from the sky a few moments after the land attack would make it more difficult for their defenses. 

What I'm offering you is an easier and faster way to execute the plan. I know that you are already collaborating with other gangs but I also know that one of the gangs you asked refused the offer and, pardon my confidence, I thought that we could have been the perfect replacement. 

Now If you will accept there will be some practical issues you'll have to consider. 

First we'll need to train a number of people specifically for this operation where no one could spy us. For this matter we wanted to use our base near Cairo. The base is completely isolated and secret, since w bought it many years ago and we never used it waiting for the riht chance.

Second, the training and the expenses for the TFF will be completely under our jurisdiction. I'm not an expert in sky assaults but the previous boss of our gang, Ukai Keishin, is and for this reason he will be training us.

Third, I'll need continuous updates on the progresses of the plan with the other gangs, and for this reason during the entire period of the training we'll have a videocall at the end of each week, also with the other gangs.

Fourth, our the special assault squad will need fifteen members but we'll only select the best and for this reason we only have nine people that are suitable for this kind of mission so we'll need six of you to come with us.

We've had proof of Hinata Shouyou's qualities in battle so we think that he'll be a perfect member for the TFF. We'll also need two people that can be trained as pilots, possibly the hacker that managed to encrypt our message. For the rest the choice of the members is yours.

Fifth only the most important members of the gangs that are involved in Plan Haikyuu will know about the TFF, so that the risks ar minimal.

Sixth and last, once the operation is completed 25% of the profits will go to I Corvi. But I think that was pretty obvious.

These are the points that will need to be added to Plan Haikyuu for the creation of the TFF. We'll need an answer in one week so that our base in Egypt will be ready within a month. The training will endure for three months and in one month then we will prepare everything for the actuation of Plan Haikyuu.

Do you agree with our terms?- 

Finished Daichi. At that point an awful silence filled the room for a few minutes. Hinata kept glancing anxiously between Daichi, Atsumu and Sakusa.

Then Sakusa opened his mouth to speak: -I think that this plan is well studied and we need to be cautious with Shiratorizawa. I would totally agree with your terms and I also have in mind the right candidates from our gang that could join you in the training. However I cannot accept without the consense of our actual boss... Atsumu?- 

Everyone turned their heads towards the blond guy, who was still visibly holding a grudge towards the Crows for tricking him.

-At this point if I said no I would just get scolded by you and the others when we return home, so my answer is yes. But I won't tolerate another dirty trick like this, even if it's for a good cause. 

We'll send you the names of the candidates with their profiles within the end of this week. Then we'll meet you at the harbor the day of the departure.- said Atsumu still scowling.

-Of course. We will use our speedboat to reach our base. We will travel in international waters and we have an agreement with the Egyptian marine so it won't be a problem to reach our base.- said Daichi.

-Then it's settled, I'll wait for ulterior details. You probably already know how to conact us so I woudn't bother exchanging numbers.- commented Atsumu.

-You're right, Suga already got all of your e-mails and cell numbers.- answered Daichi while shaking hands with Atsumu and Sakusa.

Then Atsumu, Sakusa, Kuroo and Bokuto started to exit the room. Seeing that Hinata wasn't following them Atsumu turned around and said: -Shouyou, we're leaving in ten minutes, if you want to say goodbye hurry up.- at that Hinata gave him a small smile and nodded before turning to the members of I Corvi.

-I can't wait to work with you guys. Even if you kidnapped me and almost sent me to a coma with drugs I think you're pretty cool. The other members of the Black Jackals will like you for sure.- said Hinata smiling brightly at them.

Suga chuckled a bit before saying to him: -We can't wait to see you again and I'm sure that our gangs could learn a lot from each other.- then he waved at him and Hinata started to head outside.

Whil he was opening the door he slightly turned around and said: -Oh and... Kageyama? Don't worry I'll beat you also in whatever we're gonna train at.-  

As he ran outside, Hinata didn't notice the smallest of smiles that had appeared on Kageyama's face.


Chapter 17 is done!!! I'm so sorry guys for not updating in a while but I've been very busy. So this is the end of the first arc of the story, the second arc will start with the next chapter and will be a bit longer than this one since it will contain all the three months in which they're training. What did you think about the TFF? Who do you think will be the other members of the task force?Please vote and comment! 

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