Chapter 19: Why Didn't You Leave?

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-I didn't go back home because...

Everyone was anxiously waiting for Akaashi's answer, especially Bokuto who hadn't really thought about that matter. In that room only Kenma had a vague idea of what was going on in the guy's mind.

"I can't tell them that I was bored of my life... they would find it offensive to reduce their lifestyle to some kind of escapade, and then they would throw me off board ." Thought Akashi but what he didn't know was that almost everyone in that room had first started their life in the mafia world because they got bored of being normal.

-Erm... actually... I was curious.- he finally said hoping that it would be enough.

-I bet that you saw how our life is much cooler than yours and wanted to try it out eh?- said Nishinoya out of the blue.

-Well, if I have to be honest it's more or less like you said...- answered Keiji shyly.

-You don't have to be embarrassed that you choice seems crazy, no one starts a life full of danger with factional intentions it's always for a stupid reason or for not having a choice... and also because no one without mental issues would do it!- said Tanaka like his comment was meant to reassure him.

-Tanaka. Do you realize that what you just said seemed more a menace than a reassurance?- said Suga as a matter of fact.

-It's just the truth. And he'll have to face it sooner or later...- said Tsukishima honestly, but seeming very mean like his usual.

In the truth the thing that interested Akaashi the most was Bokuto and how his mind worked.

"How can a man be so immature to kidnap someone thinking that he can do what he prefers? Or maybe he just saw in me something of himself and decided that I would have preferred living like him..." thought Akaashi.

In the month he had stayed with the Black Jackals, Bokuto hadn't talked much to him. Akaashi thought that it had been Kenma's boyfriend Kuroo to tell him to give him some space, and Akaashi was glad for that.

He passed most of the time with Kenma. Kenma was nice to be with, he didn't talk too much and he knew a lot of things about informatics so they could talk hours and hours about computers and would often work together for the clan.

When Keiji had discovered that he would have been part of a big operation, he didn't understand if he felt excited or just very scared. 

Maybe he should've just said "no" and return to Frankfurt but something told him that he would've regretted it forever if he had done so.

"In a few word I made my choice by heart... what a stupid way to choose. I will for sure come out of this extremely hurt or either dead..." he thought thinking of how stupid he had been.

He hadn't noticed that everyone had stopped talking, some of the others were even asleep, so also Akaashi took the chance for taking a nap.

When he woke up Keiji realized they had arrived at destination, since the boat had stopped moving.

They all started to get up form their seats and went towards the door that connected the room to the outside of the large speedboat. 

When Akaashi went outside he saw where they were he couldn't believe it. 

This was almost like a fucking underground military harbor! Except from the fact that there were also multiple luxury boats.

At that point Daichi started to give them some instructions.

-Okay guys this is the main harbor of our secret base. It's situated directly below the base.

The base is presented with the form of a villa, since a not allowed military base in the middle of nowhere would get us unwanted attention. The villa has an helicopter with the respective landing site so it won't be a problem to use it for our training.

The villa is divided into two floors and a basement with all the equipment for specific training.

On the first floor there's a living room, a kitchen with a large table, the dining room, two bathrooms, a conference room and a room with food supplies.

On the second floor there are the rooms, but I am afraid that they're not enough for all of us because the second floor is smaller than the first one. 

There are only nine rooms and coach Ukai wants a room by himself. Each room has its own bathroom.

For the ones who want to share the bed we've prepared a room with a double bed, for the others there will be a room with two middle-sized beds.

I will stay with Sugawara, Nishinoya with Asahi, Tanaka with Shimizu, Ennoshita with Yachi, Tsukishima with Yamaguchi, Kuroo with Kenma and Haiba, Bokuto with Akaashi and Hinata with Kageyama.

Yachi will show you to your rooms.- 

And with that a short blonde-haired girl came out of the nearby door. She looked very anxious actually, but Akaashi was thinking of something else entirely.

"Oh shit, I'm in the same room as Bokuto. At least I hope we will have separate beds... maybe it won't be that bad he didn't bother me during the past month. However he still kidnapped me thinking we were in some dramatic love comedy... I don't have fucking Stockholm syndrome! Although I have to admit that he's hot... no he's not and now that we have a professional relationship it will stay like that."

Once Akaashi had finished his internal dialogue with himself he turned his attention to the rest of the group noticing Hinata trying to make friends with the blonde secretary.

-Hello I'm Hinata Shouyou! You must be Yachi! I saw your picture in the presentation, you're even cuter in real life!- said Hinata while the short girl got red out of shyness.

"Is he trying to hit on her? No he's definitely gay and he knows she's Ennoshita's girlfriend..." thought Akaashi laughing a bit to himself.

-Oi dumbass! Not everyone is a crazy extrovert like you, you're scaring her with your creepiness!- said Kageyama grabbing Hinata by the back of his shirt.

-How can I be creeping her out when she has to see your scary ass face almost every day?!- answered Hinata glaring towards his roommate.

"After all I don't think that sharing a bedroom with Bokuto will be worse than those two sharing a room."


Chapter 19 is done!!! Sorry guys for not updating for a while but recently I've been very busy. I'll update more in the next weeks. What do you think about the chapter? PLEASE VOTE AND COMMENT!

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