Chapter 11: New Occupation?

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Akaashi changed in the formal outfit Kenma gave him and then went with Kenma to his office. By the looks of it Keiji understood that Kenma's job in the mafia was the one of an hacker.

"That makes perfect sense, he doesn't look like he likes to fight unlike the other people in that room... everyone in there was tall and built he terribly stood out between them."

Akaashi sat on a chair while Kenma sat behind his desk on his..."Is that a gaming chair?"

-I know what you are thinking. "What is he doing in a gang? He looks more like a teenager who likes videogames." Am I right?- said Kenma.

-How did you know? And how does a person like you end up in a gang?- asked Akaashi slightly surprised.

-I'm just very good at analizing people. You see I never planned to join a gang. My friend Kuroo joined the Black Jackals around four years ago, they weren't much of a deal at the time, he got in after he met Bokuto and now they are pretty close friends. 

I thought he was crazy. Who leaves university at twenty-one to join some crazy guys in an affair that would get you killed? I learned very soon why he did it, he hated having a normal life, he wanted to experience danger and adrenaline.

I understood his desire, but I thought that to experience danger and adrenaline wasn't necessary to join a mafia, he could become a soldier or a policeman.

You see... the difference between the Black Jackals and society is the family. In the society no one cares about your personal problems but here everyone knows your story because we have to trust each other since our lives are constantly put in danger. Kuroo wanted a family to protect, even at the cost of his life, and maybe some economical advantage...

I still didn't want to join him even if he had told me multiple times that they needed someone who knew about hacking and tracking.

I didn't want a family and I didn't need it, since I didn't need protection. Then while Kuroo was dealing with some dangerous business a rival gang decided they needed to blackmail him to gain information about the affair he was dealing with. 

This gang wanted to kidnap me, but Kuroo alrady feared they would try something so he had alerted the Black Jackals about it. There was someone always controlling my apartment and when they tried to kidnap me he intervened and saved me.

I joined the Black Jackals because I was in debt with him for saving me. Altough when he needed my help I wasn't able to do anything and he was kidnapped. Now to repay my debt I will do everything that's in my power to help the clan bring him back.-

Akaashi reflected silently on Kenma's background story, from how he told the story it seemed that he and his companions were just normal people who got tired of their regular lives.

-Are you telling me that I should join this gang because in the society nobody will care about me?- asked Akaashi curios about what Kenma wanted to obtain by telling him his personal story. "You don't just go tell your personal story to a random person if you don't want to obtain something from him..." thougt Akaashi.

-I was just telling you my story. If you interpreted it like an invite then you should really consider joining our gang.- replied Kenma not showing any particular emotion.

"This guy for sure knows how to provoke you by just stating the facts... maybe I should learn something from him while I'm here..." thought Akaashi while frowning at the boy with bleached hair.

At that point Kuroo entered the room without knocking.

-Ohi, Kenma!- said Kuroo looking like he had just discovered something crucial.

-What do you want Kuroo?- asked Kenma.

-We just received a message from I Corvi, you need to come to the conference room immediately! We have to track the position from which they sent the message, within ten minutes the message will autodestroy!- said Kuroo.

At that Kenma got up and started running out of the room. Akaashi didn't really understand what was going on, but seeing Kenma getting so worked up for something made him curious, so he followed Kuroo out of the room and to the conference room.

Once there he saw that four people were missing from before and seven people were standing around Kenma who was typing at maximum speed on a coputer with multiple screens.

Akaashi joined the others around Kenma and no one seemed to notice him so he guessed it was okay for him to look at what Kenma was doing.

It seemed that Kenma was trying to hack a video message that had been sent from an unknown position, to individuate the area where the video was registered. 

Akaashi watched the video that was currently replaying in one of the side screens and was horrified from what he saw. There was a boy, probably younger than him, tied to a chair in what looked like a basement of a condominium. 

The guy had orange hair and was shirtless, on his chest were visible multiple bruises and on the side of his neck were present signs of injections. But the creepiest thing about him was his face. His pupils were dilated and he had a crazed bloodshot gaze completed by a creepy smile.

A man appeared on the screen, he had short dark brow hair and a muscular built. At that point the man gripped the back of the chair and said: -If you don't come to this place within three hours your precious membere here will die. Don't try to attack us, the place is well guarded and you would die for no reason. The message will be destroyed in ten minutes, so hurry up and find our location.-

At that point Kenma stopped typing and said: -I can't track it. It's too complicated. It would take three days to make up an encrypted message like this for me and even more to decrypt it.-

Keiji reflected for a few moments and then remebered that ther was a specifical way to find the address of a place from the plan of the building or the project of a room that had to be deposited in town hall's records.

-I know how to do it.- said Akaashi without thinking.

At that moment everyone seemed to acknowledge Keiji's presence.

-Who the fuck let him in here?!- said Atsumu irritated from the fact that a stranger was let in the conference room and saw some top secret information about the gang.

-Atsumu I can't do anything anymore, if he really knows then w should let him try.- said Kenma.

-Ok, hurry up then!-

Kenma left his seat to Akaashi. Akaashi sat in front of the computer and started typing. He did a scanner of the room to create an approximate map of the building. Then he hacked the archives of the region in which were kept all the projects of the houses built from the 1950's. 

He then activated a research algorithm to find the project in the archives that matched the one he had elaborated. After two minutes he had found the matching map and the address related to it.

-Done! It's the basement of a condominium in the outskirts of Palermo.-


Chapter 11 is done! I hope you liked it , and if you did please vote my story. How did you like Kenma's background story? What do you think they will find in that basemen? What are the crows up to? Stay tuned and find out in the next chapter. I also wanted to specify that none of the arts I put at the beginning of the chapters are mine.

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