Chapter 20: Getting Settled

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Akaashi and the rest of the group followed Yachi to the second floor. She had to show the rooms also to the members of I Corvi since the only one who had been to the secret base before was Daichi.

-In case you get confused, I put a sign on each door with the surnames of the hosts.- said Yachi.

-You always think of everything sweetie.- said Ennoshita giving her a kiss on the cheek. At his action the girl turned red and said: -Chikara! Not in front of the others!- she scolded him, but everyone else was already laughing especially Nishinoya and Tanaka who were also jokingly elbowing Ennoshita after he had been shoved away by his girlfriend.

-Girls are just too cute!- said Hinata -Back in college I always wished that girls liked short guys, but they preferred Atsumu because he was taller, so I decided to go gay since only men appreciated my features.- finished Hinata.

-You don't choose your sexuality in such a stupid way! Are you dumb?- commented Kageyama.

-You say that because you aren't short. I understand you Hinata, it's hard to hit on girls when they like guys at least ten centimeters/four inches taller than them and you are 1.62 m/5'4 tall. I had the same idea as you.- said Nishinoya patting Hinata's shoulder.

-Tch. I never liked girls even if they liked me...- said Kageyama just to mock Hinata a bit.

-You're such an ungrateful man Kageyama... I didn't raise you like this...- continued Nishinoya.

-You're just one year older than me...- he answered confused.

-Enough drama. Everyone go to their rooms now.- said Suga like a mom would do with a naughty child.

-Suga's right. You have the rest of the day off. You can stay in your room, visit the beach, try the trainig grounds indoor and outside or if you like on the roof there's a pool with hydromassage and a small bar if you want to relax, since from tomorrow we'll be training hard.- said Daichi.

-Oh and dinner is after 9:00 pm since before the sun is down it's too hot to cook anything.- he finished.

Akaashi entered his room with Bokuto and gladly saw that there were two medium sized beds. Bokuto got the one closer to the balcony while Akaashi took the other. They settled their bathroom items and divided the space in the closet.

-Now that everything is settled I'll ask Kuroo if he wants to train for a bit, do you want to come? I think you need to do some workout even if you'll be a pilot.- said Bokuto to Akaashi.

-No thanks maybe another time. I need a shower now and I want to mentally prepare myself for the future days since we'll be training a lot.- He answered before taking from the closet a change of clothes. 

Bokuto said goodbye to Akaashi and went to look for Kuroo.


A few minutes before in Hinata and Kageyama's room.


When Hinata ad Kageyama entered the room they would be sharing for the next few months, Hinata didn't lose time to establish his priority: -The bed next to the window is mine!- he shouted.

-No, it's not! We should have a challenge, and who wins gets the bed next to the balcony.- protested Kageyama.

-You're saying this because I said it was mine first, so no I reserved it first!- Hinata objected.

-There wasn't a reservation rule so it's only right that I challenge you for the best bed!-

-Fine... you're right. What kind of challenge should we do?- asked Hinata.

-Let me think... it's too hot to go out so we should do an indoor challenge. It should be something not too tiring since tomorrow we have to train... I know! After emptying our bags we'll go on the roof and we'll use what's in the bar to make a cocktail, then we'll select a random person to taste our drinks and the best drink will get the best bed.- said Kageyama.

-That's a good idea, but I think it's a waste to only make two drinks. How about we prepare the drinks for everyone  and put them in two bowls, then we throw a party and the bowl that goes empty before wins, and we can't drink from our bowl of course.- rephrased Hinata.

-Sounds like a chaotic idea, but it suits your personality I guess...- commented Kageyama.

-I'll take that as a compliment. So should we do it after dinner?- asked Hinata.

-I don't see why not, we should have a little fun before we start training.- commented Kageyama.

-Then it's settled, let's go to tell the others. We'll wait after the challenge is finished to settle our things in the room.- said Hinata running out of the room.

And that's how Hinata and Kageyama went from deciding who would be sleeping next to the window to throwing a party on the roof.


After dinner...


Kageyama and Hinata were currently preparing the bowls with the cocktails. Hinata opted for a Margarita, while Kageyama prepared a Mojito although he was not very sure about how much he had to cut the mint leaves before putting them in the drink.

When they were done it was almost midnight and the others were just arriving on the roof after finishing to tide the kitchen.

Kageyama and Hinata were standing by the bar, and Hinata said: -I just hope that the coach won't get mad since we're throwing a party the day before we start training...-

-I don't know, actually I've never met him... when I joined the gang he had already retired.- just as Kageyama was finishing the sentence a man with bleached hair and a lot of piercing and tatoos, that was clearly coach Ukai, arrived on the roof with an amplifier blasting music at a very high volume, and... "Is that weed in the plastic envelope he's carrying?" thought Hinata shocked.

Ukai approached Daichi and told him: -You're way younger than me, but when it comes to having fun you're fifty years older... I see that you have completely renewed the council, let's see if this boys know how to have fun!- and with that he went over to kageyama and Hinata to ask them for drinks.

-Coach you have to try my margarita, it's just amazing!- said Hiata.

-No dumbass! He looks definitely like someone who'd like a mojito.- shouted Kageyama.

With that the two boys started to fight not even caring anymore about what drink Ukai was going to pick.

Ukai after taking a cup of margarita and one of mojito commented out loud: -This boys have some fire in them for sure... let's see if tomorrow they're still like this...-


Chapter 20 is done!! What did you think about Ukai's arrival? How will the party end? PLEASE VOTE AND COMMENT

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