18. Crazy

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Welcome back to random pictures I found on the internet!!

I also was going to recommend something I just don't remember what.. was it a song? A movie? I honestly have no idea.

"It was you.."


"How could.. my most trusted maid do that to me? Hmm? Tell me." You demanded.

"Your 'parents' wanted to test your skills, and tried to send me to go and to it, but they threatened to kill me if I didn't." She explained the best she could.

"So you risked my life to save your own?"

"If you look at it that way, yes. But-" you cut her off.

"After that incident that happened with him, they don't trust that I can do things on my own?"

She stayed quiet, not knowing what to say.

"So are you done testing me? Or do you want to fight?"

"Fighting could be optional, yes."

"Are you willing to fight right here and now?"

"I've noticed that you're angry. Your fighting will be top of the top, now could be good, sure."

*cue intense music."

"Are you ready?"

"I'm a maid, I have to be ready for anything. Whether it be cleaning up messes, training, or dying."

"Then, shall we begin?"

"I guess we shall.."

You both got into a fighting stance, both ready to fight as if their life depended on it. She looked as if she was disgusted to be fighting in such a place though.

You went straight in for the hit, not caring of what would happen to you, your maid, or the surrounding buildings.

You punched her, but it did her no damage. Instead, it made you go flying.

"Equal force," that was her Nen ability.

Sometimes she has Nen pawns to go in the fights, if the person knows nen and uses it on said pawn, it will give off the equal force onto the person. This would work if she got hit too. As shown above when (y/n) hit her own maid. It won't give off the force if they didn't use Nen, but she made these so strong, that most have to use their abilities to get them down.

The maid took out her weapon, a bow and arrow. Her Nen was better for close range when she didn't have her pawns out, which is why she has a long ranged weapon. To counter the close range.

You tried to hit her again, but she dodged it this time, "I admire you (Y/n)."

She made one of her men grab you, "But you act too irrationally. You usually get frustrated, angry, and agitated really quick, even though it gets in the way of your work."

*intense music fades into the Zoldyck theme...*

"May the divines guide this arrow, the golden arrow, to a new dawn.." She aimed it at you and let go of the string.

A monotonous voice appeared and yelled, "Enough!"

A tall, long haired man approached you two whilst throwing a needle to interfere with the glowing arrow. Surprisingly, it didn't stop it, and so the pawn took the hit for you.

"Sir." The maid bowed to show respect.

"You better be glad that arrow that your man took, doesn't effect you." A woman called out from afar.

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