where the real story begins

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Finished this story at 3:38 am. Went from 600 to 1156 words. More dialogue than anything else, anyway let's get on with the story and hope you guys are doing well. Thank you loves! Stay safe!

"(Y/n)! Let's get going!" Hisoka shouted.

"Go where?" You looked up at him, confused.

"To your birthday!" He said, picking you up from the ground.

"Does this mean social interaction? I'm already at my limit for the month."

He chuckles and Illumi pops up next to you guys.

"Yes, that does mean that. So get used to it and stop acting like Milluki." Illumi adds.

"Tch.." you look at him salty.


"Don't mind him~"

Blowing off his words you said, "Why didn't you tell me? I thought we were the best of pals, but noo."

Hisoka just looks at you with a straight facs while illumi told you plainly, "Because, you would have told Kil it was me. Couldn't have that after what he did to mother."

"That old hag had it coming."

"Yeah okay, Illumi get her bag and let's go! She's heavy!"

"Now that just hurts my soul, Hisoka. Sure I love to eat, but you can't control me and my love."


"Don't you dare tch me young man!"

"Its as if you're older than me. You even look like it too, with all your wrinkles."

"Okay, I'm beating you when I'm done with this paralyzation thing."

"Go ahead and try, sweet heart."

"Hmph." You pouted and tried to look over to Illumi, "Yeah and  sorry for being a brat to you, man."

"Apologies accepted. Though im the one that-"

"Shut it! And let's GO!" Hisoka yelled at you two.

By the time you were basically half of the way to the place, it already wore off. "So like, where are we going? You guys haven't specified."

"There's this really nice hotel by the beach, so we plan on all of us stay there  And yes, I get that you have a phobia of water, but we are going to have to fix that."

"Hmm yeah.. okay.," Hisoka said and put you on are own two feet. And then, Illumi gave you your bag once you got your balance.

"Well you guys know the way to the place, so come on and lead the way."

We all sat in comfortable silence. Then you see this huge building that you remember from when Killua had to go there.

"I barely got attention as a child, so now I'm touch starved. Where did that pop up from?" You thought while not looking where you were going.

Then Hisoka stopped and you ran into him. Since Illumi was behind you, he caught you.

"Yo, why'd you stop?" You asked and gave him a small glare.

"It's nothing really. Anyway, let's keep moving."

"But my feet hurt," you whined in your head.

"That reminds me, (Y/n), did you have something that had to do with water?"

"Water? Oh, you mean in the trick tower. Uhm, yeah. Had to solve puzzles before the time ran out and the water rises. Very stressful I say."


"Oh yeah I almost drowned over a malfunction on the door too."

"Wait... What?"


"You know Hisoka you've been awfully quiet. It's kind of unlike you." You look over to see Hisoka have this weird look on his face and so you ask, "You okay?"

"Hmm~ Yes~" he said and quickly straightened up.

"(Y/n), those shorts and crop top. TB?" Your emotionless tall guy said.

"Yes, he was there though, I didn't get to fight him."

"TB? Who's that?" The clown said

"Her ex and her nickname for him is Teddy bear. Don't like him, she only dated him because mother wanted her to."

"Right~ Right~"

"So like, are we we almost there? My old shoes make my feet hurrrrt..~" You finally whined.

They gave you a 'really' look.

"I carried you most of the way!" The sexier version of pennywise said.

"Even so, these shoes are a half a size too small, they hurt."

Hisoka remarked, "Tough luck buttercup."

~~~ ~~~ ~~~

"This is the hotel we will be staying at."

"OooOo this would me a nice looking hotel, and a sunset, if my feet weren't hurting as if Milluki decided to go on a run."

"Uh-huh," they stared at you blankly.  "In a few days you will be fighting Hisoka. Since you know, you said you would beat him after your paralyzation wears off." Illumi added.

"I-I what?! When was that decided, tch.. Making decisions without MY consent?! Typical..." You whisper shout and cross your arms.

You felt a tug at your arm, which was from the usually quiet clown, indicating that you were to follow. "Before I follow, let me take off my shoes here and dump them into the garbage."

They allowed you so and went inside to check in and go to your rooms. Once you got into yours, you felt the urge to jump on the bed. But, you refrained because you needed to take a shower.

~~~ ~~~ ~~~

"Why did we have to walk anyway?" You ask Illumi when you went into his room and plopped on his bed.

"So you could try get back into your original stamina."

"Yes, my 'original stamina', is basically non-existent." You have him an eye roll that almost let you see your own brain.

"You have one like no other, honey." Illumi said, oh yeah, forgot to mention. Honey is your nickname from Illumi.

(Don't think it has anything to do with romance, 😉 sorry.. 🙃)

"Take that as a compliment~" a voice said behind you. And which that same voice had two cold fingers that traced up your arm, and onto your chin, making you face him.

"Not in here!!" Illumi yelled at you two, showing a tad bit of emotion, but quickly hides it as if it were never there.

"Illumi~ How unkind of you to imply such a thing~" He said with a condescending smirk, taking his fingers off of your face.

"What are you doing here anyway Hisoka?" You ask and face toward him.

"Just wanted to see if you two wanted to go on a walk," he leaned on a wall.

"I'm down, how about you Illumi?"


You guys leave from the hotel and go two the beach. It's calming, and with caution you approached the water. You almost forgot about your fear, but it was still in the back of your mind, haunting you, to never stray from the path. The path that is set to lead your destiny.

"This is where a new beginning happens, it could be happiness, or misfortune. We could travel, see the world, and meet new or old people along the way. Solve a mystery that lies in our hearts.." you think while gazing at the stars, and the moon, with some very weird people that you call friends.

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