19. Where did you come from?

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Trashy uploads and a trashy chapters, great fit! Anyway I'd like to say thank you to the people who come back and or read the whole way through. I know there's a lot of plot holes and thinks like that, this is my first story and I can tell that you guys probably know. I'm sorry for the lack of uploads these past few months too, I've been going through a lot mentally and physically.

Twas the end of the day, you felt better than the day before, much better. You said goodbye to the guys and left, still feeling those eyes gaze on you.

You got your new phone out of your pocket and put your earbuds in. You stopped walking and looked at the phone to put on your playlist.

The first one that popped up was ironic, too ironic actually. So you started to walk again, letting your feet carry you wherever.

"I look past all the flashing lights. Drive through, ignoring the warning signs. When things blow up I close my eyes."

You sighed, and started to sing along. You liked the artist that sung this song. It reminded you of his other works, they were somewhat relatable.

You got lost in the song though, and took a wrong turn into a dark alleyway. Noticing this, you tried going the right way you came, but you froze dead in your tracks.

A person of womanly stature stood looming infront of the entryway, aura spilling out her as if to imitate you.

"I thought you were supposed to see me at the hospital weeks ago!" You yelled in her direction.

"You know how mother gets, she grounded me for no reason." She yelled back.

You started to walk towards your sister, "Nice, so what do you want to do?"

"I've been wanting to get my hands on somebody to fight them, it's been lonely, my maid left suddenly."

"Listen kid, I have this guy you could possibly to go psycho on, if you're up for the challenge."

She asked what this guy looks like and you slightly smiled, "He kind of looks like a clown, even though he says that he is a magician."

"A clown? Isn't that just you? Kidding, but how would that be a challenge?"

"Can't be too sure now, he may have some tricks up his sleeve. Anyway, follow me to my hotel."


You two get to your hotel, and you both start to catch up. Like what's going on back at the Zoldyck Estate, what shows and or movies were good, and much much more.

"So you're telling me that.. you have a boyfriend?" You ask your younger sister.

"Yeah, his name is Damon, a little bit crazy and obsessive, but with crazy people around, I've learned to get used to it."

"First off, you may need to get a therapist, second you need to let me meet him sometime. Can't be worse than the clown guy."

"So you're just telling everyone I'm a clown hmm?" On cue, the tall guy with face paint on his cheek bones came into the picture.

You say while looking him in his eyes, "Yes, actually, yes I am. Because you don't ping me to be a nice magician, I see you as a mass murder clown."

"Seems about right," he walks over to be infront of you guys and sits on the ground, "So who are you?"

"I'm her sister, Marla."

"Hmm, the beautiful gene must run in the family."

"Watch it dude, I'm a minor."

"Oh really?"

"My birth certificate says so."

"Huh, guess people in their late 20s can't give complements now?"

"Yes, actually, you'd get peged as a 'pedophile'."

"So why are you here kid?" He looks her dead in the eye.

Marla answers plainly, "Just here to see my sister, what's it to ya?"

His eye looks to glow, "It just seems like you have an ulterior motive."

"Does it now?"

Hisoka smirks, "Coming from a person that possibly does, yes."

"Well I guess it's time for me to go," she goes to walk out the door.

You ask her, "Talk with you soon?"

"Of course."


Following the Pov of Marla

"Sir, we've got her location. Tell me when you're ready to proceed." I transform back to my normal self while talking on the phone to my boss.

"Good job Laura, we'll go more in depth later."

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