23. On second thought.. pt. 2 :)

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There will be a part three because I've been so busy lately, I'll also cut it off at a weird point so I can get this one out! Love you 🖤

"Go (Y/n)!!" Gon chanted, "you can do this!"

You giggled at his cuteness and waved at him, a sign that you saw his valiant efforts.

You looked at your opponent and looked at the referee.

"This match is timed and is based a point system. By now I'm sure that you know this, but I still have to tell you. This is scored on clean hits and knockouts. Let's have a fair fight alright?" The referee then counted down from three and blowed his whistle.

"You know.. I'm getting pretty bored of faking that I can barely beat you boys. So I'll make this quick." In a swift motion, you punched him, no Nen involved like you promised Hisoka.

"Clean hit!" The ref said, but your opponent just fell over.

**Hisokas POV**

"Hmm?" I smirked, "I didn't sense any nen. Maybe she is that strong, or her opponent was quite weak."

**2nd pov**

"Knockout, win goes to (Y/n)!"

You walked off the arena stage as quickly as you could to get back to the group.

"Two more rounds and you're on the 100th floor!" Gon stated.

"I can do it without losing too!"

Killua nonchalantly said, "Yeah, and on that floor you get a room for free."

"Did you say for free?" You leaned in, seemingly interested.

"I did, and I'm betting that room has snacks." He smiled.

You gasped, "Snacks? How fancy."

You giggled then said, "I guess it's time to move forward. 90th floor here I come!!"

While walking to the next floor, you and the kids talked when Hisoka stayed quiet.


"Welcome to the 100th floor we are so glad to see you here. Now, here's your room key. We have your next fight in an hour, we'll call 15 minutes beforehand so you could get ready." She had a smile her eyes couldn't match.

"Make sure you get some rest too, or a career change if this makes you unhappy." You whispered and then started to walk away.

"Will do! Thank you for coming to heavens arena."


"This room is alright. Have to start somewhere I guess."

"Oh! I forgot this place has a radio in here!" Gon excitedly said and walked up to it. Of course killua followed close behind.

Gon flipped through the channels and found one that wasn't that staticky.

"The news? Who even listens to it nowadays? It's only for old hags."

Gon slowly looked at Killua, "I still do.."


"Yeah! I listen to it all the time when I'm doing my housework with Aunt Mito!"

They continued on their conversation and you and Hisoka quietly started yours. All in all, your guy's talk was pretty weird.


Hisoka POV

"Well this is her second to last fight," Killua said, "I
can't believe it, it took less time than we expected."

"I know!"

Their voices fade out as the people next to me said, "Who knew a woman could be this talented, to make it this far."

"Well, Jerry, the only reason why you're sitting here now is because of her right? So we all knew that. Be quiet she's about to fight.."

"Looks like she has gotten very popular. They must think that good woman fighters are very rare."  I glanced over at those people beside me.

"Our first person besides those two kids to make it to the 100th floor without losing!" The announcer said, "(Y/n) (L/n)!"

She waves to the crowd with one hand.

"The second competitor, Gave Haow!"

Have had a stern look on his face.

(Y/n) P.O.V

"Gave? What type of a name is Gave?!" You mumbled.

"You know.." Gave paused, "You remind me of this manga character. She's really strong and really beautiful."

"Uh.." you cleared your throat, "thank you?"

He chuckled.

You looked to your ref and he proceeded to the usual boring stuff.

"Ready! And fight!"

You guys circled around each other. You looked into his eyes (didn't know which one to look at so..) but they seem to be.. glowing?

"Is that just my imagination?" You thought and just kept moving, "I have been seeing things lately.. that must be it."

You sigh and go in for the first punch. He dodges and hits you in the stomach.

You smirk and say, "Oh so you're actually competent." You then chuckle and leap away.

"Clean hit! Two points awarded."

"What a surprise."

Gave went in for a hit, he missed because you dodged but it seems he had planned this out already. He jabbed you right in the jaw.

Your eyes went wide and your vision went a tad bit blurry.

"Clean hit! Two points awarded!"

"Woah!" The announcer said, "(Y/n) hasn't gotten a single hit in yet! There's four against zero folks!"

You let that comment roll off your shoulders and decided to go on the defensive.

Time skips cause I can

Stats now (9-4)

"Low chance that (Y/n) wins this here, will she pull through or what?"

"Okay that's rude." You were determined to win this little shin dig.


"Yeah I won, fair and square guys." You said to the youngsters.

"Yup! It's cause you're amazing!" You take it that Gon is a natural flatterer.

"Yeah, you're cool I guess."

Ahh.. the perfect friendship. The social one that can flatter people without trying, and the non social one, who tries and sometimes succeeds.

"Well.. I'm almost done guys. Just 4 more to go!"

The really quiet Hisoka, which is kind of usual for him because he always has something sly to say, pops into our conversation saying, "Sorry about this little missy, but I have to leave for some business inquiries. I'll be back soon, don't miss me too much while I'm gone~."

"Don't worry Hisoka, I wont miss you all too much," You wink, "bye bye, sir!"

He was looking else where until you said the last bit, he side eyed you and smirked.


You watched as he walked off, "that was kind of random."


There was an awkward silence and then you decided to walk away.

"That guy was tuff huh?" Gon asked as he caught up with you.

"Yeah, I hope we get a rematch on the 200th floor."


"Mhm, figured it would've been a good fight." You looked behind you and saw that Killua was hanging back, "Yo Killua! Stop straggling behind. Get up here!"

stopping here-

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