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my mind really said f chapter 16, if you haven't read 15, make sure to go read it! Also I am doing some corpse husband one shots, starting with another halloween thing. I FINISHED ONE CHAPTER IN A DAY!!!!more like 5 hours with a long while on a break.. PLEASE GO READ IT! THAT WOULD MEAN A LOT TO ME!

Yo I got hit in the head during the 2000 word mark, might be a lot more mistakes there cause of it and me rushing.

Anyway let's get through with this and go on with the story!!!

(I also love how this barely has Hisoka in it)

Nen reveal ;)

"Hey y/n~"

"Yes, Hisoka??" You looked up at the tall man that's standing in the doorway. All while doing your make-up.

"Aren't you too old to go trick or treating? Why don't you just sit this one out?"

"Aren't you too old to dress up as a clown everyday?" You ask with a up and down glance, then return to your mirror, "And besides, we're having a party, not trick or treating. You should have got an invitation.."

"Who?" He leans back on the door frame.

"If you're asking who is holding the party, it's the Scarlett Rose, but the Phantom Troupe should have sent you something. Now, I'll give you an hour to figure out something. So get out please."

He did as you said and got out of the shared room. You sighed and thought, "He must have threw it in the trash.. He doesn't read anything the Phantom Troupe sends him."

You chose something that would compliment your Nen ability. Everybody called it Grim Reaper, since that's your nickname. To you it's called Yin and Yang Now it's abilities, anything that's opposite of something. For example; light and dark, life and death, etc.

You had this mask that's was from high school, a masquerade mask. Then, for some odd reason, you had a lot of beauty products, you were thinking Yumi gave them to you. This was a last minute thing, as you could tell.

For your face, you had black lipstick on, and all the other makeup stuff. (I have no clue what is in this Makeup business. I don't want it..) Now honestly, this pretty boring outfit, we don't care. All black clothing and a cloak of course. Along with, your Nen made scythe. Look, see? Boring outfit.

((Y/n) took the idea form Sakiya.)

Now your boyfriend, Hisoka, doesn't want to dress up more than he has to. He doesn't even want to go.. So you got him up from the couch, dragged him to the bedroom, and made sure you had everything for the costume you were going to put him in.

You pulled up the reference photo, and got to work. Obviously he huffed and puffed, but somehow you worked through it all.

What did he look like? A magician!!! HE HAD A TOP HAT!!! You were so happy. He had little bunnies on his face too! You threw him your brother's suit and tie.

You pushed him into the bathroom and closed the door. In mean while, you got your outfit on. Afterwards you would have put gel in his hair to slick it back, but you got a knock on your door. You yelled, "One moment!" And quickly put on your all black clothing. And of course, your friend was there. Best friend quiet frankly, though she is related to you so, there's some extra points. Without saying hi, she grunted. She came inside the house, the closed the door.

"Listen (Y/n), if you're gonna go as your basic self, then go ahead. But I hope you know the top of the top will be there."

"Hun, this is a Halloween party," you peeked behind her, "not some fancy event on where you have to wear a gown. And the top of the top, you just mean our gang and their troupe, correct?" You say with one of your eyebrows raised.

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