Oh No~~~

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(A/n) Please don't mind if something is misspelled or if my grammar is off, my fingers type faster than what my brain comprehends 😅. But anyway let's go. (It's still crappy, man I don't like how I say this as if anybody other than the people I know will read this.)

Nobody's p.o.v

(Y/n) walks over to Gon and Killua thinking that they may be in a argument.

Killua says while pinching the bridge of his nose,"I'll say this one more time and one more time only--"

He gets cut off by a person saying that the person they were following was a fake and that he was their real examiner.

(Y/n) p.o.v

"I am your real examiner," a guy said but I paid him no mind. Until a card or two shoots by my face and hits the fake examiner in the chest.

I look around and spot Mr. Satotz caught the cards that was sent his way and I thought, "Coulda guessed that.." My stomach grumbled a little, "Man I'm really hungry, wait I still have those cookies."

As I was caught up in my thoughts, the rest of the group started to follow Mr. Satotz through the mist.

"Ugh seriously! More running? I don't even get a chance to eat the dang cookies?!"

----------- Time Skip ----------

I sit down defeated,"Man, I am terrible with directions.. I'm officially lost."

A few seconds later I hear something in the bushes beside me.

"Uhm.. Is.. someone there?."


No answer.....


I mumble,"Weird, but I guess it was just an animal."

Just then I hear a twig snap behind me and creepy ass voice say,"Quite the opposite in fact, you're the animal....... and I'm the hunter..."

My voice was stuck in my throat while my soul was 25 feet in the sky.

"Oh? Did I startle you? I am so terribly sorry," he says sarcastically.

Once my soul returns, I look beside me to see who it was, but nobody was there. I raise an eyebrow and shrug, and just then I got this painful shock in my leg. I turn my head and I gasp and I think," But how? I do believe that the person was beside me."

"Don't take your eyes off of your opponent that wants to kill you dear."

I just stare at his green looking eyes,"Okay (Y/n), it will hurt less if you don't look at your injury."

I don't take my own warnings and I look down.

"Ugh, damn it!" I yell not caring who or what hears me.

"What did I say about taking your eyes off an opponent? Huh?"

I look down to something metal touching my shoulder, a knife, that looks familiar, but I just can't put a name on it. He then shoves it into it.

I scream as loud as I can hoping to get someone's attention, though I could possibly handle this on my own. I just don't want anybody to know I know nen yet, or that I'm an assassin that doesn't have a sense of direction..

Then it hit me, it was called a Benz knife.. One made from a mass murderer that killed hundreds of people. It looked authentic too. It was also thin so it must have poison on it. (-A/n- Just think of the one that Chrollo attacked Silva with)
Maybe a paralyzation type of poison, though he didn't really have to stab it into my shoulder like that. -😒 (Y/n)'s face)-

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