One More Step

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Malcolm's POV

I went out to the mall today to buy the stuff we need before we start shooting the film we were going to make.

-30 minutes earlier-

I met up with Chaeyoung since she wanted to tag along. It was not my choice since she saw me passing by at their flower shop and asked me where I was going and I told her. She begged for me to let her join but who was I to refuse to a goddess like her?

She went out of the house and I was in awe when I saw her.

Her outfit:

Even though she was only in simple clothes, I found her very beautiful

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Even though she was only in simple clothes, I found her very beautiful. I looked at her for a while and smiled. We said goodbye to auntie as we left their flower shop.


We got to the mall and went inside. I looked at her and saw that she was looking at me as well. After five seconds we laughed at eachother making other people look at us like we were mad.

"Have you eaten lunch yet?" I asked her and she shook her head no.

"Same wanna eat something first before we start looking for the things we need?" I asked her and she nodded like a kid which made me chuckle.

We went a floor up and walked around looking for a place to eat. After several minutes of walking around we finally ended up in this Ramen place.

Hey I love ramen! Can you blame me?

We told the waiter what we wanted and we waited for the food. Me and Chaeng just scrolled through our phones until one of us decided to start the conversation.

"So hows your mom doing?" She asked making me look up from my phone.

"Oh she's fine thank you for asking" I smile at her.

"How about your dad?" She asked making me think for a long time.

"Ahh I'm not really sure" I reply giving her an awkward smile.

"But I think they'll come back to Korea this year so soon" I added

"I'm sure you and Stray Kids missed your brother" She said smiling and I nodded.

The waiter came with our food and left as we said our thanks. We started eating having a little food fight here and there.

-time skip-

As we finished eating our meals, we rested for a bit and went to our phones. I looked up from my phone and saw Chaeng really focused on hers. I took this opportunity to take a picture of her.


As the camera to made the sound my eyes went wide as I forgot to mute my phone. It was too late as she realized and looked at me.

On Track | TWICE Chaeyoung F.F. (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now