The Last Train To Return To You Has Stopped

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Sana's POV
I woke up from the sound of bird chirping outside my window. Memories of last night flood in and I smile remembering the time I spent with Malcolm.

After a while, I got up from my bed and walked outside my room. I thought he would stay long enough to be here when I wake up but he left earlier. I frowned and went to the kitchen.

As I was thinking of grabbing the cereal on the shelf, I saw some eggs and ham on the table with a piece of paper under the plate.

I read the letter from Malcolm:

Goodmorning, Satang:)
Sorry I had to leave early:( here's my sorry gift to you:) thank you again for letting me stay at your place. Don't be late at school, okay? I'll see you later:)


I smiled at the letter and put it in my pocket. I ate the food he cooked and went back to my room.

I read the letter again and still felt the butterflies when I did. I placed it inside a box where I keep my important things in such as family photos and photos with my friends. I took out a polaroid of Malcolm when our class had a field trip to Nami Island.

It was a picture of him between the trees that had some orange leaves falling down from it.

I smile at the memory and I place it back where it belonged. After that, I did my morning routine and left the house for school.

Malcolm's POV

I woke up confused and wondering where I was until I remembered what happened last night. I checked my phone and it was 6:30 am.

I went to check on Sana and saw that she was still sleeping peacefully. I smiled and went to her kitchen. I took some eggs and ham from their fridge and cooked it.

I hope she doesn't mind

After cooking the food, I ate one of the eggs and left a note for Sana.

I left the house and locked the door before going out. I went to my house and did my usual routine before going to school.

I passed by the flowershop again and it was still closed.

I guess they're gonna open later

I went on my way to school and saw Jungkook busy with his phone at the gate.

"Hey just got here?" I asked making him look up at me.

"Oh hey I didn't notice you" He said with a cheeky smile.

"Well were you waiting for me?" I teased.

"Well yeah, actually" He chuckled.

"What for? Is it about the short movie?" I asked and he nodded.

"C'mon the guys are waiting for us in the club room" He said walking towards the building and I follow him.

We reached the room and went in. We saw the guys busy fixing the equipment and some were helping Seungmin with the script on the side.

"Hey Malcolm" They all greeted and I waved back at them.

"So let's start taping later?" Chan said and we nodded.

After the mini discussion we had, we all went to our classes and waited for dismissal time so we could all meet up in the school yard.

-time skip-

The bell rang which meant it was dismissal. Changbin and the others already went first to the school yard and me and Chaeyoung followed.

We got to the school yard and saw that everyone there was preparing for the taping. It was good that there wasn't any students in this area.

Chan was fixing the sound system, Seungmin was discussing the script with Felix, Changbin was preparing for the props, I.N was practicing his lines, and Han was setting up the lights.

I went to Chan and he gave me the camera I will use. I looked around and saw that Chaeyoung was talking and was sitting next to Jungkook in the two sided swing. I went up to them and joined them in the swings.

"Hey, what are you guys doing?" I smiled at them while taking a seat.

"Oh nothing, we were just practicing our lines but someone here kept distracting me" Chaeyoung teased rolling her which landed on Jungkook making him chuckle.

My smile disappeared for a second but I put on another one which was forced. We looked at our side and saw that Sana came and joined us in the swing sitting next to me.

"Oh hi, Sana unnie" Chaeyoung greeted smiling at her.

"Aww you look so pretty. I wish I was your partner" Sana said pouting while pinching Chae's cheeks which made us laugh.

We talked more and joked. We laughed at each other until we were disrupted by Chan who was calling us that taping is ready.

I took a final look at my camera and checked if everything was ready but I felt a pair of eyes looking at me. I looked to my side and saw that it was Sana who was leaning at the pillar smiling at me. I waved at her and she waved back making her giggle.

The scene was about I.N chasing Chaeyoung and Jungkook from the entrance of the building. I went to their side and pointed at my camera at them.

Felix shut the clapping board signaling the start of the scene. Jungkook held Chaeyoung's hand and started to run while being chased by I.N.

Me and Chan chased them at the side because he was holding up the microphone. We ran next to them and I would look at my way once in a while until my I put my focus on the two.

I looked at what the camera was recording. It was Jungkook holding her hand. I stopped after a while and they continue running happily. I looked down at the camera and sighed. I frown at them standing together at the place they were supposed to stop after the scene. I was snapped from my thoughts by Sana tapping my shoulder.

"Malcolm-ah, are you okay?" She asked with a concerned face.

"Y-yeah, I-I'm fine Satang" I said forcing a smile at her.

I wish I was

"C'mon! lets go join the others" I said walking towards them while Sana joined me.

"I know you're not fine, Malcolm-ah" She mumbled but I heard her clearly.

"That was great guys but let's do it again" Felix said and we nodded.

Why did I even sign up for this

I sighed at the thought of recording Chaeyoung holding Jungkook's hand. I walked back to the swing and sat down by myself while they were preparing for another take.

"Hey!! What did you think of the scene?" Chaeyoung asked running towards me.

"I-it was great! you guys did great" I said forcing a smile.

"Thanks Malcolm, I couldn't have done it without you" She said smiling back.

"Yah! Lets do another take!" Chan shouted and I stood up from my seat and Chaeyoung and I walked towards them. I sighed as I did.

Here we go again


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