I Should've Held On To You

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Malcolm's POV

I woke up from the sounds coming from my phone. I groaned and sat up. I smiled remembering yesterday. I opened my phone and proceeded to message Chae.

(Marshmallow):Goodmorning Chaeng:) don't wake up late and eat breakfast before you go okay?

I closed our chat and saw the one me and Sana has. I remembered yesterday and became worried where she went.


After a minute or two, I saw that she only put my message in seen. I frowned and thought about what's bothering her.

I went out of my room and did my morning routine. I left the house and walked to Chaeyoung's place.

I waited outside their shop and sat at the bench infront.

I opened my phone and there was still no message from Sana. I sighed and decided to scroll through the internet.

"Malcolm-ah!" The small cub called making me look at her.

"Goodmorning Chae" I smiled at her.

"Did you wait long?" She asked smiling back.

"No...Just got here actually" I said standing up.

"Well...lets go to school then" She said making me nod.

I held her hand making her smile. We walked to school talking about how our morning went.

We got to school and I looked at her.

"Are you okay with us holding hands here?" I asked her.

"Well...ofcourse, why wouldn't I be?" She asked tilting her head.

"Nothing...this might be new for you since it is for me" I replied smiling shyly.

"Stop being cute...and we'll figure this out together" She smiled back and I nod.

We went to class and a group of eyes were looking at us. I tilt my head at them as we made our way to our seats.

"Yah! I have a crush on you too Malcolm-ah!" Dahyun shouted pouting and I smiled awkwardly at her cuteness.

"No! He's mine Dahyunnie" Chae said playfully glaring at her and hugging my side.

"You don't like me Malcolm-ah?" Dahyun asked still pouting while me and Chaeng sat down on our seats.

I looked at her and smiled awkwardly scratching the back of my neck.

"A-ah I do...but as a friend Dubu" I said and she did the "TT" pose and we I chuckled at her.

I turned and saw that Chae was looking at me.

"Chae? You okay?" I asked.

"Yes. I just don't want anyone to steal you away from me" She said smiling and I smiled back.

"Aish you know I'm yours and only yours" I told her making her blush.

The teacher came and our class started. Me and Chae would look at eachother and sometimes one of us would steal a glance of the other but would get caught and we'd laugh.

-Time Skip-

Chaeyoung and I separated for a bit as she had painting club today. I looked at my phone and I still didn't get a reply from Sana.

I looked around hoping to see her but she was nowhere to be found. I sighed and sat back. I looked at the rooftop and saw a familiar figure.


I stood up and dashed to the stairs. I sprinted upstairs skipping a step everytime. I reached the rooftop in no time.

I opened the door. And saw her leaning on the railings. She looked peaceful and was just sight seeing.

"Sana...what are you doing here?" I asked making her jump and look at me.

"M-Malcolm-ah? How did you find me here?" She asked in disbelief.

"Well I can see you from down there" I chuckled and walked towards her.

I leaned on the railings next to her looking at the buildings not so far from our school. She did the same and there was a moment of silence between us.

"Why weren't you answering my messages earlier Satang?" I asked concerned and looked at her waiting for an answer.

"A-ahh its because...my phone died" She said looking away but I could tell she was lying.

"Satang...you don't have to lie to me...you can tell me everything" I sadly smiled at her and looked back at the scenery

"Malcolm-ah..." She called me and I hummed in response.

She hesistated for a bit creating a moment of silence between us until...

"...I love you" She said and my heart dropped.

I looked at her but didn't show any shock or disbelief but I was very shocked in the inside.

"E-eh?" I said being speechless.


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