I'll Always...

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Malcolm's POV

"M-Malcolm-ah?" She asked in shock.

"W-what are you-?" She asked again.

"I-I love you Chaeyoung. I was afraid of confessing to you because I didn't want to ruin our friendship but now...I can't contain the feelings I have for you anymore" I said cutting her off and looking at her straight in the eye.

"You make me feel special. I'm always happy when I'm with you. Everytime I'm with you...it just makes me fall for you more. The way you paint, sing, and even rap. I fall for you more and more. I kept telling myself to stop how I was feeling towards you but...I can't stop me. I'm such a fool for you Son Chaeyoung. And...its okay if you don't feel the sa-" I added but got cut off.

"Malcolm-ah...I-I feel the same way as you" She said making my heart drop.

"R-really?" I said stuttering.

"Yes pabo. I always had feelings for you but I was also afraid you wouldn't return them" She said smiling at me and I smiled back.

"Y-you like him back?" A voice asked and we looked at our side.

"Yes Kookie, I like- no I love him." Chaeyoung said and smiled warmly at him then at me.

He frowned and nodded and was about to start walking towards the door. I put my hand at his shoulder stopping him.

"Hyung...I'm sorry" I said making him look over his shoulder then to me.

"I-its fine...I just need some time alone" He said in a low voice and I nod.

He removed my hand and walked out. I sighed and looked at Chae who was looking at door aswell.

"Its going to be okay Chae...I know he'll be fine" I smiled putting my arm around her and pulling her closer to me reassuring her. She looked up and smiled back nodding at me.

"So...how are we going to shoot now?" Chan asked smiling awkwardly and scratching his head.

We looked at him and chuckled awkwardly.

"Sorry Chan" I said scratching the back of my neck.

"Well the submission is in four weeks so no rush" Felix said.

"I'm glad hyung finally confessed to his feelings" I.N chuckled.

"Yeah or else Dahyun would have kidnapped you and make you hers" Seungmin teased making the guys laugh.

I shook my head at them chuckling and looked at the girl hugging my waist.

"Does this mean we're dating?" I asked smiling at her.

She pouted pretending to think and I look at her in disbelief.

"Hehe just kidding. Ofcourse Malcolm-ah" She smiled and I blushed at her.

"Well I guess we're dismissed" Changbin said smirking.

"Ahh yes. But we'll tape next week so no need to clean up" Chan said and we nodded.

I looked around at them and they were just packing they're stuff. Me and Chaeng went to help and I couldn't help but feel like something or someone other than Jungkook is missing.

"You okay Mallow?" Chae asked making me snap out of my thoughts.

"A-ah yes just thinking" I smiled at her.

"About what Malcolm-ah?" She asked curious.

"About how lucky I am to have you" I smirked making her look away blushing.

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