Special Chapter 1

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Chaeyoung's POV

I was at the mall with Dahyun and Tzuyu right now. We wanted to hang out since it was going to be a year since me and Malcolm have dated and we were going to celebrate it tomorrow. Plus I needed the help since I couldn't think of what to give him.

"What do you think I should get him?" I asked before taking a spoon of strawberry ice cream.

"Hmm...maybe a bracelet?" Tzuyu suggested.

"How about a necklace?" Dahyun suggested as well and I hummed in response.

"What about a book that he likes?" Tzuyu said and Dahyun agreed.

"He already has the books he likes though" I said and they hummed.

"So a bracelet?" Dahyun said and I smiled.

"Yeah... Thats a good idea, Dahyunnie. Thank you" I giggled.

"Yah! That was my idea" Tzuyu scoffed making us laugh.

We went to a shop where accessories were sold. We were looking for the perfect bracelet.

All of a sudden, my phone started ringing and I took it out of my pocket. I checked who it was and it was my boyfriend, Malcolm.

I signaled a sign to the girls that I was going out for a bit and they gave me nod and thumbs up. I looked for a place where there is less noise and did my best.

I answered the call and heard videogames sounds from the background.

"Hey strawberry!" He greeted happily which made me smile.

"Hi Mallows, Why did you call?" I asked and heard an awe from the other line.

"Can't I call my own girlfriend?" He said while acting in a sad tone.

"I'm just joking. Ofcourse, you can call me" I giggled.

"Where are you anyways? Why does it sound like theres alot of people?" He asked and I got nervous.

"Oh uh...T-thats the T-TV" I stuttered.

Aish why did I stutter?

"Hmm...okay then...well I just texted how you were since you weren't replying to me the entire day" He said and I was dumbfounded.

I checked my messages and there was alot of messages from him I didn't see.

Oh no...I hope he doesn't think of anything bad

"Oh...I didn't see them. Mianhae" I said hopefully he'll understand.

"Well...okay then. Message me whenever okay? I love you" He chuckled.

"Okay and I love you more" I giggled before the call dropped.

I sighed and went back to the store. I saw the two were eyeing a bracelet and smiling at it. I joined them and looked at what they were looking at.


It was a a couple bracelet that had the Sun in one bracelet and the Moon in the other.

It was a a couple bracelet that had the Sun in one bracelet and the Moon in the other

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