You Tantalize Me More

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Malcolm's POV

I woke up from the alarm that came from my phone. I groaned and checked the time. I sighed and stared at ceiling. I remembered everything that happened last night. I remembered the conversation me and Sana had and wondered who was she talking about and how it ended.

Aish I should say sorry to her

I went and did my morning routine before leaving the house. I went to the convenient store to eat breakfast since there wasn't anymore food at the fridge. I also bought chocolate ice cream for Sana.

I went to school and entered class. As usual, the guys and girls were talking and I noticed Chaeyoung was sleeping again. I went to take my seat and looked over her.

"Hey strawberry class is about to start" I said softly making her shuffle and being half awake.

"E-eh? Oh Malcolm-ah you're here" She said smiling which made me smile back.

"Hehe goodmorning Chaeng" I chuckled.

"Did you do the homework Mallow?" She asked making my eyes wide open.

"H-homework?" I asked putting my hand on my forehead.

"Here copy mine" She smiled reaching out her notebook.

"Thank you Chaeng" I smiled at her.

"What would you do without me?" She teased.

I don't know what I'd do without you

I rolled my eyes playfully and proceeded on copying her homework. We talked about random stuff and would joke around.

"Oh by the way..." I said making her look at me.

"Do you wanna get dinner with me later?" I said smiling to hide how nervous I am.

"O-ofcourse Malcolm-ah its your treat right?" She teased making me roll my eyes.

"Yes, ofcourse it is" I chuckled.

"Well its settled then. I'll meet you later outside the building since I have painting club after classes" She said smiling and I nodded.

The door opened and came in our teacher stopping everyone from what they were doing. The teacher greeted us and we greeted back.

Sana's POV

I was sitting and staring outside the door waiting for Malcolm to pass by. I thought about the things I told him last night and wanted to apologize for sounding too harsh. I was thinking about it until I was snapped back to reality by Nayeon.

"Yah! Who are you waiting for Sana?" Nayeon asked making me look at her and I found her smirking.

"We both know who she's waiting for Nabongs" Jeongyeon joined making me roll my eyes.

"You should really confess to him soon Satang" Nayeon said making Jeongyeon nod.

I sighed and laying on the desk of my seat.

"Its okay Satang, I'm sure he has feelings for you" Jeongyeon said.

"But he has feelings for someone else" I said in a low voice.

"Well maybe that someone is you and he just doesn't want you to know its you" Nayeon suggested.

I already know who he likes

"Thanks for the help but I'm really fine" I said flashing a sad smile at them.

The teacher came and we started classes. My mind began to drift and I started thinking about Malcolm.

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