Is It Just Me Who Misses Us So Much?

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Malcolm's POV

Me and Chae were walking home from the Korean Bbq place. I was asking her about the painting she kept secret.

"No, I wont tell you" She giggled sticking her tongue out.

"Please Chae?" I said pouting and trying to be cute.

"Aww you're so cute" She giggled pinching my cheek.

I catch a glimpse of the street we just passed by and saw a familiar figure with another person.

I straighten myself and told Chae to be quiet.

"What is it?" She asked whispering.

"Look...I think that's...Jungkook?" I said squinting my eyes at the two while she looked where I was looking at.

I recognized the jacket he wore because I gave it to him as a gift.

He looked at the girl he was with and we saw his side profile which confirmed it was him.

I motioned for us to continue walking home and we walked back to our original path.

"Wow...Kookie got himself a girlfriend now" Chae said laughing and I chuckled.

"I know right. I wonder if he's going to introduce us to her" I smiled at her and she smiled back.

We walked and talked all the way to her house. And after a while...we got there.

"Thank you for dinner and walking me home Malcolm-ah" She said looking at me and we both smiled at eachother.

"You're welcome" I chuckled.

We stared at eachother's eyes for a bit and I didn't even realize how close we are to eachother.

She started leaning in and so did I. We both closed our eyes but got interrupted by the the front door swinging open which made us pull away from eachother.

"Chaeng? What are you still doing out-?" Auntie stopped her sentence as she saw me.

"Oh! Good evening Malcolm" She smiled at me and I bowed down.

"Good evening Auntie" I smiled back and waved.

"What are you doing here? Aish Don't tell me my daughter is giving you a burden" She said making me laugh and shake my head.

"Eomma!" Chae exclaimed pouting.

"Ah no Auntie, don't worry...Chaeng doesn't burden me. being with her" I smiled and looked at Chaeyoung and she blushed.

Auntie looked at both of us and hummed, trying to figure out what was between us.

"Chaeyoung...go inside" Auntie said trying to be intimidating.

"E-eh? Why eomma?" She looked concerned.

"Me and Malcolm will have a" She smiled at her and glared at me making me smile awkwardly.

Chaeyoung looked at me with puppy eyes and I smiled at her.

"I'll be fine Chae" I mouther at her and she nodded going inside.

I was left alone with Auntie in their front door and I was just standing there looking at random places.

"What is between you and Chaeyoung?" Auntie asked grinning at me and it made me chuckle.

"Auntie-ah! You scared me there for a second" I said making her giggle.

"But I'm serious though. Are you and Chaeyoung dating?" She smiled at me and I nodded smiling back.

"Don't worry Auntie. I love her so much that I would die for her. Don't worry about me hurting her because I'm not planning to. I only plan to love and care for her" I smiled.

"Aww...I trust you with her Malcolm" She smiled in awe.

"Thank you Auntie" I said and she nodded.

"Its eomma to you now Malcolm" She chuckled and I smiled widely at what she said.

"Ah o-okay eomma" I said and she chuckled.

"You should get going now Malcolm. Its getting late" She smiled and I nodded.

I told her goodbye and went on my way home. I smiled at the thought that me and Chae's relationship is now approved by her mother.

Chaeyoung's POV

I was in the living room, going back and forth, thinking about what they were talking about until I heard the door open.

"Eomma! What did you tell him?" I asked eagerly.

"Calm down. I told him to break up with you" She said sternly making me shock and speechless.

She laughed at my reaction and hugged me.

"I was just kidding. I told him I approve of your relationship" She smiled at me as she pulled away and I smiled widely.

"Jinjja?" I asked excitedly.

"Yes, Chae" She giggled and walked passed me, going to the kitchen.

I ran upstairs to my room and jumped on the bed giggling and smiling because of the news.

I took my phone and immediately messaged him.

(Strawberry): MY MOM APPROVESSS!!!!!🎉🎉🎉


I smiled at his cuteness and looked at my table. I checked the finished painting from my bed and smiled at it.

I can't wait for you to see this

I giggled and went back to chatting him. I smiled at the ceiling and sighed happily.

I love you so much Malcolm-ah


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