How Could I Ever Let You Go?

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Malcolm's POV

It was already after school, me and Chae were at the park sitting at swings just talking about random things. Every second felt heavy as I know I should take this chance to confess to her.

C'mon Malcolm you can do this

"Hey Malcolm-ah" She called me making me look at her.

"Yes Chae?" I asked smiling at her.

"I have something to tell you-" I cut her off.

"No wait. I have something to tell you too" I said smiling warmly at her while she gave me a confused face.

"Chaeyoung I-" I was cut off as Jungkook came.

"Malcolm! Chaeng!" He called us as he walked towards us and hugged Chaeyoung.


They were still hugging and I was confused. They looked at eachother and then looked at me while smiling.

"Malcolm-ah before you cut me off earlier. This is what I was going to say" She said then looked at Jungkook smiling.

"Yeah bro! We're dating!" Jungkook said happily as I felt my heart drop.

They were saying stuff that I couldn't understand as I was just trying to stop my tears from coming out.

"H-hey Malcolm-ah are you okay?" Chaeng asked with a frown and I tried forcing a smile but couldn't.

"Aww I'm sorry Mallow...its just that...he confessed first" She said as I woke up from the noise getting louder.

I groaned. I took my phone and turned my alarm off. I looked at the ceiling and blinked a few times.

Did that just happen?

I shook my head as I became more determined in confessing.

I'll confess to her later

I did my morning routine and left the house. I stopped by to the convenient store to grab two strawberry milk drink as I know Chaeng likes this.

As I got to school, The classes started and it was pretty boring. Nothing much happened.

-Time Skip-

It was already dismissal time, Chaeyoung and the others already went to the movie club room since we had to discuss the final scene we'll shoot.

I took the two strawberry milk drink from my bag and went to the club room.
As I went down the stairs, Jungkook came in from the entrance under the stairs and we both saw what the other was holding.

We looked at the milk drinks the other one was holding but his was chocolate flavored.

Who are those for?

"Hey you going to the club room?" I asked and he smiled nodding.

"Oh same here lets go there together" I smiled and we went there.

We got in and saw that some of the guys were just talking with eachother, Seungmin and Felix were discussing the script, Sana and Chaeyoung were just talking with eachother and Chan was in a phone call with someone.

I sat between Chaeng and Sana. As I gave Chae the strawberry milk drink, Jungkook also gave her one of the chocolate milk drink in his hand. She had the drinks in her hand and we wait for her to choose one.

Sana took the drink from my hand and we look at her as she sips from mine.

"What? I was thirsty" She said cutely while pouting making me chuckle.

"Hey guys I have an announcement" Chan said making us all look at him.

"Well...we got permission to use the rooftop" Chan said making us celebrate.

"Thats great then" Lee Know said smiling making Seungmin nod in agreement.

"We already prepared the things we need for the taping tomorrow so you guys get ready okay?" Felix said and everyone else nods.

"Well that wraps it up for today guys. You can all go home now" Chan said making us nod and say goodbye to eachother.

After everyone separated, Me and Chaeng walked home together.

"I can't believe we'll finish the taping tomorrow" She said and I nodded.

"Its been almost a month and we finished it so early" She smiled and I smiled back at her.

"Well...I just hope we win it" I chuckled.

"I'm sure we will" She said proudly making me nod at her.

"Thank you for the strawberry milk drink earlier by the way Malcolm-ah" She said smiling at me.

"Its no problem. I know you like it" I said winking at her making her look away.

I smiled at her reaction and shook my head slightly. We reached her house and I drop her off. We said our goodbyes to eachother and I went home when she went in.

I went home and did my night routine before going to sleep. I stared at the ceiling and face palmed myself.

Aish Malcolm you're such a pabo

I can't believe I have forgotten to confess to her. I mentally slapped myself and sighed. I heard a noise come from my phone and it was a notification.

1 message from Jungkook

I looked at it and wondered what he wanted at this time. I opened the message and read it.

(Kookie): Hey dude I heard Taehyung couldn't kept his mouth shut😂


(Kookie): yeah well now you know about my plan tomorrow

             Yeah dude goodluckkk😂:(Mallow)

(Kookie): yeah I'll need it😂


After sending the message, I turned my phone off and before drifting to sleep I began thinking about his plan and how I was going to confess to her. I sighed and shook my head.

I'm sorry Jungkook


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