Don't Go, Don't Leave Me

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Malcolm's POV

It was already dismissal time, everyone in class was packing their stuff and were getting ready to leave. Seungmin was running away from Changbin because he called him a pig.

"Yah! Come back here!" Changbin shouted making us laugh.

"Ani I don't want to. you pig!" Seungmin said in English getting away from Changbin.

I looked at Chaeng who was laughing at at the two. I smiled and proceeded to pack my stuff. I remembered that I had to go to Yeji and Hyunjin's place because they wanted to hangout and they said its fine if I brought Chaeyoung with me.

"Hey Chaeng" I called her making her look at me.

"Yes Malcolm-ah?" She asked.

"Do you want to go to Yeji and Hyunjin's place with me?" I smiled but she scratched her nape.

"Uhh... Mianhae. I can't since I have to help my mom today at the flowershop" She said frowning.

"Aww its okay maybe next time Strawberry" I warmly smiled at her.

"Be careful on your way home okay?" I added making her nod and smile at me.

"You too" She said and I smiled back.

We left school and we separated ways. I went towards their apartment which was not too far from here thankfully. I stopped by a fast food restaurant and bought some for us.

I walked and walked until I finally got there. I knocked at their door and Yeji opened it.

"Malcolm!! AND FOOD!" She said hugging me and I chuckled.

"Yah! How come you became happier when you saw the food?" I teased as we pull away.

"Shh you're the best brother ever" She giggled.

"I HEARD THAT!" Hyunjin shouted from the living room making us laugh.

We went in and I placed the food on the coffee table making them both go "oooo".

"You brought alot" Hyunjin said amazed.

"Yeah I know how much we three can eat" I chuckled and they nodded in agreement.

"So...what are your plans today guys?" I asked making them look at me.

"We're going to have a movie marathon today" Yeji smiled and I nodded.

"Here's some coffee hyung" Hyunjin said putting iced americano at the table.

"Thank you" I smiled and took it and went to take a sip.

"So...I heard there was going to be kissing scene in your short movie" Yeji teased making me choke on my drink.

I coughed and Hyujin smacked my back while him and Yeji were laughing at my reaction.

"Yah! Look what you did to him" Hyunjin said laughing and I rolled my eyes.

"Hehe mianhae Malcolm" Yeji giggled and put on the movie we were going to watch.

We watched the Harry Potter movies from the beginning while eating the food I bought for us. It started to rain really hard and I looked outside from my seat at their balcony.

I hope she's okay

I took out my phone from my pocket and left her a message.

Chaeyoung's POV

I was helping my mom water the plants and remembered the dinner me and Malcolm had yesterday. I smiled as I started fixing the pots.

"Chaeng! Can you buy carrots and cabbage near the convenient store?" She asked making me look at her.

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