9 Chapter

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I try to ask Derek why he came with the kids when he knows I am with someone at the moment. I so badly want to kill him. I'm already killing him in my head. I'm afraid I will be arrested for murder if I stay with him longer than I already did.


"Mhh. Yes honey?" He asnweres sweetly at me with one of his incredible charms. Now it was hard for me to get angry at him.

"C- ca- can we talk for a moment." I look at knowingly at him. Making him know what was happenning. "I mean outside. Not in front of the kids. Ryan can you please look after them for me please." With those eyes, it's impossible for him or whoever it is. Either Ryan or Derek. Anyway it's impossible for all of them to say no.

I always do those eyes when I wants to get something from someone. Whenever and whoever who gets the chance to see them, it always works whenever I do so. It doesn't mind how many times, it just does. Don't askme how because I'm also a victim like you and those others and the futur others.

Why am I a victim when I'm the guilty one? Well, it's not my fault that I got innoncents eyes. Blame my genetics.

This where Olivia got the puppy eyes. From me.

Both Oliver and Olivia look so much like their father. When you see them, you can definitely tell rightway who's the father of those two kids. Eventhough they look exactly like Derek physically, While Oliver enherited everything about him. ABSOLOTLY everything, his sister still got her mother futures, attitude. Every characteristics, except physicals ones.

Olivia is more like me.

"Yeah, of course I don't mind. Plus they're so super cute." I smile at Ryan thankfully. However I kind of feel bad for using my weapon to get him to accept. I'm kind of sure that he would have accepted even without it. With joy even. Because I see that it was sincer in his eyes that he could babysitts for a few seconds. I kiss the kids' forehead before taking Derek far from people's eyesight.

I have this strong feeling that Derek is cussing him out. Because to him, any guy who smiles kindly at me is only trying to get on my good side. Then he's calling Ryan a prick. How do I know? I know because that's what he have been doing in high school.

I didn't even realize that I just grabbs Derek's left hand but I keep leading us to a calmer place. I guess. Like an idiot, I smile at our joined hands. As if we never hold hands before.

Yes, we did but I was the one who started everything. Now that I think about it, It kind of hurt. Or maybe I was too desparate for him. No, it really hurt but I just left it at it. It didn't bother me that much at time. It hurt more when I wanted to pass a journey with but so many times he couldn't because he had to spend time with his group of friends. While I didn't have friend at school, I didn't have other choice than to go to my mother's place.

I rapidly chase those thoughts off of my head.

"So... You wanted to talk about..?" I suddenly hear the deep voice behind me and it sends shiver down on the back of my neck.

I didn't even know that I stopped walking untill I feel his lips brushing my neck. I turn around so I could face him. BIG mistake from me. I souldn't turn around. Because right now, he's looking at me like he wants to eat me whole alive. I start to look everywhere except at him. Everywhere but his face. Everywhere but his eyes. But I can feel them dig deep holes on my face. And I'm sure I can feel myself blushing and I'm pretty sure he's enjoying the show.

"So... I-I-I was about to say I- You- We..." I close my eyes and sight in frustration because I can't seem to get any word from my mouth. It's annoying me still. Why do I have to get myself so worked because of him. It doesn't make any sence. He never did anything for me, he never not even try to impress me, never tell me sweet words that could make myself feel worth.

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