4 Chapter

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"Mommy are you going to drop us off ?" I heard Oliver ask from their room. Today I'm supposed to drop them at Derek house.

I really don't to go and I don't  want them to spend a lot of time him. Because if they do they'll become more attached to him. Which I really don't mind at all. I just don't them to forget about me. I know they won't though. It's just, sometime I can't help it but insecure about it though.

"Mr. Hale said if you can't, he could send a driver to drive us to his house." Olivia pops in.

"Do you guys really want to go that badly?" I try to change their mind whic I'm sure it doesn't work.

"Yeah!!" They say at the same time.

"We could stay here enjoy ourselves. don't y'all want to spend a lot of time with me?" I try to pout to make them change their mind.

"We always spend our times together Mommy. Every time you don't work. Plus you have to work today." Oliver tells me as he takes his empty dishes from the table after giving me a side hug. I smile as his sister did the same.

"Are you going to pick us after as well?" Olivia asks me and I nodd "Even if you have to finish work late? You know, we could always ask Mr. Hale to drive us back home and-" She continues.

"Baby girl how come you and your brother keep on bringing him into the conversation?" I ask getting more serious now.

"Because he's so cool and he told us that he knows you since school. And he also-" Oliver starts but I know what he was going to say. Somehow I think they know about him being their dad. Or so I guess.

They go to their room to take their things. I always made them prepare their own backpacks, clean their own stuffs. So they won't get used to people doing everything for them.

"Okay okay I get it. Did he tell you something else." Why do I even care now? I try to play it cool when I see them getting confused of what I was getting into. How do I know they're confused? Well they both look through their door to give me a questionning look at the same time. "Let's go it's already ten pas fourty minutes. We're kind of late." Nobody says anything. "OLIVER AND OLIVIA COME HERE GUYS. I HOPE YOU'RE READY."

We live in a small apartment of two bedrooms. well technically it's one bedroom but I made an extra room and laso an extra bathroom. That's what you do when you don't have money but have kids who keep fighting on who has to go first. Adding one more room and bathroom, reduced the spacees of the kitchen, the dining room and the living room.

There's no TV in the living room, but made sure my kids got one in the room. I also bought one if they ever come to my room. Which is often. Especially after they fight. It's a really small piece but we fits in perfectly. I start to clean th kitchen and some dishes left and put the left over in the fridge.

"I am ready to go." Olivia says as she shows me her backpack.

"Also me look!" Oliver shows me his as well. I smile and tell them to wait a little bit while I go change myself to be a little bit descent. I have to go to work anyway.

I work as an office clerk. We are found  in nearly every industry but the most popular industries are educational services, health care and social assistance, waste management and remediatio services and without forgetting government offices. Comparing to thers office clerks, I choose to work everywhere, if some of those need help.

As long as I work in confortable office settings. Which it absollotly has to. But I mostly work in educational services and health care and social assistance. It's one fifteen to twenty minutes driving from my house to the places. And they're near one another. That's one of the reasons why I choose those two.

I didn't really studdy for this job but the ones who were engaging people saw that I responded to every of the aspects they were asking for. Plus they asked me if I could do two or three or four weeks of training so I could get used to the work enviroment. The staffs, the others employees, what would be coming to me. They told me that I will be getting paid not as others actully employees, but at least I get paid to feed my kids.

They were two years at that time. I didn't have another choice. I had to work to support us. Plus the work was easy; giving and answering phones calls, bookkeeping, filing, mailing, message delivery, data processing, running errands, sorting mail. etc. Of course certain job skills are important, such as communications skills, comptuter skills, custumer service skills and attention to details.

I know it doesn't sound that easy but it is once you get used to it. this aply to almost every work as well. it's not easy one the first days because you're trying to ajust yourslf in new place and with new people, but it is pretty okay after wards.

But I just don't talk to people at work unless it's necessary.


It wasn't at Dereke's house, but to his parents'. The Hale family don't won houses, but they own menssions and menssions. I don't even know how they got all of those, but money... Stupid him and his family.

No, not his family. He is an only child and Derek's parents used to appreciate me when were young. Saying that it's good I am frien with their son. I'm capable of putting him and his arrogant attitude in their place.

"Guys where are my kisses?" They all come back and kiss each of my cheeks. I smile proudle at them. Now go

"Styles..? I thought you wouldn't bring them." Of course Jackson was at the door. I saw him but I just ignored his presence.

"What made you say that?" I shrug.

"It's eleven and half. Others kids are inside already. And also Derek was getting worry for not seeing his kids."

"Believe me I didn't want them to come but they insisted. So I didn't have a choice." I say starting to walk away before his asshole of a boss could walk out of the house. "WAIT!! You knew who's kids they are? Since that day at school?"

"Yeah.. And let me be franc with you, they're the reason why Derek organized this. He put on others kids as well so you won't suspect him. Which I think you knew it was fishy and him being stupis since high school he thought you didn't get it..."

"I see you still reading people mind, life. You haven't change Jackson. You honestly surp-" I was about to say but something behing him makes me change my mind. Derek. "Sorry I have to go to work. I will be picking them up a little bit late depending on my work. please keep a close eye to them. And don't get affected with their weapons. Bye bye!!" I rush and go straight to my car.

"Styl-" He called bu I don't stop and go my car of five passengers plus the driver.

I do not want to pay him any mind.

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