12 Chapter

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It's been four weeks since me and Derek had sex. He visits us often. He also takes the kids to his house. But I think Derek's parents are the onse who take them to their home so their son would spend his time with me often. But I ditch him.

I mean I have to, because I've got some work to do, and him being him, of course, he would come where I'm working and make it apparent that not only we used to know each other in while younger and the father of Oliver and Olivia. Eventhough the last one is really obvious. I mean you gotta be really blind no to see who's the father

To make the matters worse, he kisses me ervery time he gets the chance to. And me being me, I can't resist him. Of course I've tried my best to avoid him but somehow he always got his ways to get me. At this point, his penguins, I mean those people who always follow whatever it has to do with him, paparazzi, have so much to write, to say now. Or whatever.

Oliver and his sister don't go to their kindergartens anymore. I didn't want Derek's penguins to talk about them. They were really eager when I asked them  if they wanted to spend more time with me if those people keep following them. I know they didn't mind about it, so they kept going in the fist five days. Then their grandparents started to take them so they could spend all those years they missed with them.

I don't mind actually because the two of them will start elementary school in one year. They're going to celebrate their five years old in two days and half. It's going to be the first birthday of them that Derek and his parents and everyone around him will know that they're blood related.

"What are you doing here at this time?" I just come out of the shower with a towel wrapped around my body. I thought Derek's mother brought the kids already. I don't know why I thought it was them coming home thise late without calling. It was really late and they've been there for four days now.

"Well, I've been missing you." Of course I should have guess that he was the one coming without calling. As he always does.

"We saw each others this afternoon..." I close the door behind him and go to the kichen see if there's something that I should cook for him.

"That is way too long." I know he was checking me out. "And I have miss those lips." he says as his lips attech themselves to mine. Of course. He did.

"I was taking a shower when you knocked on the door." I detach myself from him and I try to distract myself from his hot body and from his burnning stares.

"Yeah! I can see that." How did he came here so fast. I can feel his breath on neck as he carress my naked arms. I try to calm my erratic self from panicking. "You've been seducing me so much those days."

"Who's been seducing you? M-m-me?" I try to play cool. So he catched my game.

"Yes you. And I've been holdin myself long enough." I can feel his kisses through my whole body from the back.

I feel his hand go low. Very low and I shut off the tap in panic. He, out of the blue turns, turns me around so I could face him. I won't lie. I've been craving him so much. I have been crazy about him but I couldn't tell him.

He picks me up and sits on the kitchen counter. I hiss when his teeth pinche my nipple.

"A-a-are w-we about-t-t to h-h-v-have s-se-sex on the k-k-kichen?" I try my best not to blush from my own words.

"Why not. It's hot. I loved it when we did it back when we were in college. I want to do it again. It's been long time since then."

And we did as he says. having sex in the kichen. And for sure it was hot.


Two weeks after the kichen sex we did it again in the shower.

Now I'm working on my computer because mister somebody decided it was good for to spen the time alone and the kids still at his parents. They rarely come home now. At this time might as well them visitors.

"Let's live together." I suddenly stop what I'm doing and guide my eyes to him. I neatly break my computer from how fast I moved. I stand up so I could ease my thews from the nerves that he's making me feel.

"W-w-w-what d-d-d-d-do you m-m-mean? Y-you?"

I want to spend the rest of my life with you Styles. I want to grow old and die with you. Please let's live together. You, me, Oliver and Olivia. All together. And maybe our futur kids. If we ever get the chance again. Iwould love to have more children with you. Please. I can't stand this distance between us. Even if I come to see you often and you come to visit me at my place. But Styles still, I want to wake up next to you every morning and sleep with you, every night, in my arms. Please accept."

He gets up from where he was sitting and comes to me. He knees in front of me and puts his face inside the big t-shirt that I was wearing. I carress his head through the piece of clothe and blush at our position. I find it quiet cute if you ask me.

"Please pretty please and I love you." I smile at myself for making him kneel in front of me.

"Yes..." I bring my face down to his and kiss him sweetly with my all. "I think the kids are going to be happy." I smile from a simple thought of them. I know they're going to jump with joy if I ask them to move with Mr. Hale.

Did I just accept his proposal? I just hope that I won't reggret my decision.

"I love you so much." He says through our kiss.

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