14 Chapter

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I seriously need to get up but I can't. This baby is killing me so much. Eight months pregnant isn't joke. In one month I will be going into labor. I'm kind of excited to frank. The twins weren't like this. They were usually calm and let me have my day as I wished. Yes in the first semester I had the prencancy symptoms. But it was normal for a pregnant person. We all go in the similar situations. But this one is driving me crazy. Even now eight months soon to get him out of my stomach he still wants the death of me.

"Mommy where's daddy? I want to see him!" Olivia comes running in the room and stops right in front of me.

"What did you do this time Olivia?" I smile at her guiltless face. She's really my daughter.

"Nothing..." I laugh at her answer. I think she knows why I'm laughing. Because she knows whenever she does those eyes, it never worked on me. The little devil.

"Okay come help me first. I want to get up but I'm kind of stuck." I gently patted her face after giving up fot her to give me some answers. She won't tell me, but I know that she wants something from her father.

"Wow mommy!! You got big. Really big." My daughter giggles after what she just told me as if it was new for to hear that.

"Don't tell me what I already know Olivia!"

"Sorry. I will go call daddy for you okay." I smile at her when she stands up to do as she said.

"But please don't scr-" Of course my warning goes deaf to her.

"DAAAD!!!" Ugh this what I don't want for my poor ears.

I wait for a little bit longer. While pregnant, the only thing I can do except some exercices is, well standing up. Or trying to stand up because almost all of the times I try, Derek is always around to help me. Surely I can't do anything by myself now. Sometimes I ask him to let me at least try something for myself, like doing some exercices but he doesn't. But he helps to get up and let me do a little walk inside the house, sometimes outside, doing some gardenning. But he has litteraly be next to me anytime. Yeah that's sweet and all.. It's just sometimes it feels suffocating and I know I reaaly need someone by my side at this stage, so I don't blame him.

"Hey babe! Do you need something?" I turn my face toward where I heard Derek's voice and I smile at his handsome face. If it wasn't for this baby I'm carrying, I would have been jumping him right way. "Why you looking at me like that?" He asks when he notices my face expressions.

"I don't know... you-you jus-just look really hand-handsome right now." I blush and curse myself for stutter. Even though we've been living together for almost a year, Derek still gets me really nervous.

"And so you do. You look so freaking beautiful right now and the pregnancy is just a bonus." He says as he kisses my lips

"Where did Olivia go? I didn't see her going out yet I dodn't see her out of your office." I try to change the subject. I wasn't ready enough to hear him telling me sweet words yet. "Why was she searching for you anyway? What does she want this time? And whatever she wants to give it to her. She's got so many things and she's only five years old."

"I know!!! But what can I do when she still does her puppy eyes to me. She's so evil." He says in awe.

"Yet she still gets you every freaking time. I mean you really have to start syaing no to Derek. She and her brother may be cute but don't get fooled by them." I inform him but I'm pretty sure he knows.

"I know. But sometimes I just want to spoil them. I want them to have everything they want."

"As long as you don't overdo it then fine.

"Don't worry about it too much. They don't always fool me. Ijust let them think so. It's cute how they think I don't or can't see what they're playing at." He goes to the drawer next to me and brings a towel and warm water from the vaccum flask. Yeah, he've been keeping hot water in the thermos in the room since the day my feet started to be resentfull.

"I haven't asked you this, but have thought of any name for the baby?"

"We're having a boy!!" I say enthusiasm.

"I know I was there with you when the nurse told us the news about its gender." I groan in gratification when he massages my feet at my favorit spot. He really know how to do this. "So what name are you planning?" He smiles at me.

"I wi-will UGH- WOW- let you name him. It's your first pregnancy experience with me so I will quite nice and let you the chance to experience till the end." He smiles and come up to kiss my forehead showing me his gratitude. "As long as you don't give my child a stupid and horrible name then we're good." I try to remind him.

"Thank you!!! I have been having Emil in my head. I know this little guy is going to be a cute one. I just know that. Emile Hale." Emile Hale that sounds-

"Mhh!! Maybe I shouldn't let you name him." He gets confused at my words.

"Why Emile is pretty cute. Plus it's a french name." He smiles innoncently at me. It's scary how the more Olivia grow up the he looks so much like his father.

"Derek Hale, Oliver Hale, Olivia Hale, all your names sound good with Hale at the end but Emile Hale. Der please."

"Now that you say this out loud." He realises.

"Mhh-Mhh You see." I knowinggly look at him.

"Okay okay okay!! What about Emilio. Emil for short."

"Emilio Hale. Thats sounds good."

"I love you I love you I love you..." He chanted but got cut off with my gasps and short of breath. "WHAT... STY... What's going on?" He was panicking. And I know what is coming. But it's early. One month early actually.

"The b-b-b-b-baby... E-E-E-Emilio i-is c-c-coming." I pant harshly and strongly grip his two arms without any care if I was hurting him or not. But I know he was hurting he just didn't want to show it. A though guy he is. A really though one. I snidley thought.


"Do you think I don't know that?" Please call the hospital I can't hendle this pain. It's too much.

He did just that and soon after I find myself at the hospital ready to give birth by Cesarian. The doctor explained why the baby decided to come soon but I couldn't hear anything because I was too preoccupied trying to ease the pain away with the help of my nurse. They layed me on the opperator room.

And so they begin their work.

Soon Emilio Hale is going to be welcomed in this wolrd.

Our family have one more member. a boy

Now I have two boys and one girl.

Bless me.

And my family

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