8 Chapter

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Derek POV / The only Derek POV

"Is mommy here yet? Does mommy know you take us to your house? Oh wow your house is really big than ours. Where did grandma Hale go? Did grandpa Hale go buy us food? But you have many things in your house."

"Olivia I think you're asking to many questions." Her brother warns her but she seems like she doesn't care.

"Wow do you live alone? Does mommy also know about your house? You said mommy knows about you since school, do you also know him since?" I smile down at her as she keeps her words going on even with Oliver sayings.

"Oh Oliver look, it's a big panda. Can I play with that panda daddy, it seems to like me and I also seem to like it too. Yeah look I'm saying hello to it." Then she looks up at me while pointing at the giant plush panda near the television. "Oh I want to hold him please please please." She's so freaking cute. Really!

"You go take it or play with it. You seem to like it and-" For a four years old kid, she kind of know her ways with questions. That's my baby girl.

"THANK YOUUUU!!!" She goes on running as soon as I announce she can play with it.

"Do you want to eat something? Are you guys hungry? I can cook a special dish for you."

"Does mommy know that you will cook for us?" Olivia asks without looking at me because she's still busy with the giant panda.

"Why would he have to know if I will cook for you?" I ask.

"Because he doesn't want us to eat with strangers. But I think he just doesn't trust people." She says. Again still playing with that plush.

"Yeah! He always says that some people will always act nice, be kind, smile and laugh with you. But that won't last because they will somehow turn into poisonous snakes." Oliver says. He was definitely talking about me. Not Oliver but Styles.

That's what I have been to him since high school. A poisonous snake. Always acting nice while I'm only with him, but act cool when there are my friends. I mean fake friends. I don't know if he knew but I was the one who put forth the rumors about him being a clingey thief. I mean, I also was the one who spread all those others horrible rumors about him during primary school. He never really cared about them all.

All he need was me by his side. But everytime I kept letting him down and I kept repeating the same mistakes. again and again and again. I regretted that everytime. But I was such a proudfull boy myself so much even saying sorry to my best best best friend of all the times never crossed my mind. I was really a coward back then. After all of those things I've put him through, all of those bad things I told himand say about him,

Here I am wanting him back. Here I am trying to yearn his forgiviness, here I am trying to win his heart again. I have always been a selfish bastard but not as selfish as I am feeling right now. I so badly miss him. I so badly want him back.

I turn around to search for the salt only to come face to face with my son. To see Oliver coming down from upstairs with my sun glasses on. He's so me. I didn't even notice that he went up and come down.

"What do I do? Do you need help? Or not." I try not to smile but I failed. Such a cutie.

"Why offering help if you don't want to help in the first place?"

"Yeah I know." He says as tries to lift up the sun glasses that starts to go down back to his little cute nose. Those are definitely bigger than his face but still wear them anyway.

"Hummor me." I say out loud while laughing

"I'm hungry. give me food." guess she got tired from playing.

"Yes boss yes." I smile as she sits confortably next to her brother.

It's been an hour and half since we ate. And as soon as we finished, every one found something to do.

I go to my office upstairs and notice that Oliver was trying to match my steps. Which I find it cute because how comme the little guy is trying to walk like a big guy is just a beautiful yet funny sight to watch. And he follows until I reach my office.


"Do you guys miss your mommy?" I ask after fifteen munites of boredome. Okay it's not because I have nothing to do, but because I feel this strong need to see him so bad. It's two hours now sisnce he was out. This date of his was taking longer than I thought. And it's pissing me off. REALLY.

"Nooo." Was Olivia's voice coming from the next room. She's been running around the house for twelve minutes straight without a single break. I told her not to because she'll get tired right way but she didn't listen and did her puppy eyes until I gave up.

"Why is mommy taking so long to come back? Do you think he get back home without us." I suddenly look at Oliver who's playing with some of my figurines that he found on the shelf. That never crossed my mind that he could have go back to his house. It scares me somehow. But then I think about the twins, I don't think he will go there without them.

A mother never forget about his children. Especially a mother who raised their children single with their blood sweat and tears.

Their kids are the ones who always come first before everything.

"Right. We should just go to him. Don't you think?"

"YESSS!!" Oliver appear in front of me out of no where.

"Do you know where he is?" Oliver asks.

"Don't worry I got my ways." I told them both without revealing my secrets. Well, not that secret but still.

I accidentaly read his text message from that guy when Style was still sleeping. but didn't see correctly so I have to ask Jackson, my driver to find a way.

"Let's go." I take my car keys, my phone I take Olivia in my hands and grab Oliver's little hand and we were off.

On the way to my car I receive a call from jackson telling me the place was right. and so i drive us there.


"MOMMYYYY!!! Olivia screams as soon as Styles is spotted. She gtes out of my arms and goes quickly sit confortably on her mommy lap. Cute.
"We miss you this big." She extands her little arms to sho him how much big she missed him. Her mother smiles and look at me.

"What happened? Why are you guys here?" He asks. I look at the guy sitting next to him and just want to punch him so bad for simplily sitting next to my baby.

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