3 Chapter

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Oliver turns to look at me after I surprised them with a "stranger".

"Mommy... I'm sorry. I swear I didn't want to, but I saw him holding so many candies a-an-and I wanted to have one, so I-I-I asked Oliver to come with me." She starts to cry as she's trying her best to explain so I won't discipline her. Yeah, she's my daughter. And she knows how to get her way out of this.

I smile at her discretly after trying so hard to look very mad at her when she knows she's going to be in big trouble.

"Mommy look what Mr. Hale gave us. He's really kind right? He gave me chocolate and Olivia asked for a lillipop and he gave her what she asked for." Oliver is always the one who doesn't mind the situation. I mean pretty much every time he knows his sister is about to get disciplined, he always try to make me forget about it so I won't be focused on what she did.

And he's the one who caused trouble, she litterally has to call me every time to get her this or that or asking me if we could go at some place or eat something. They thought I haven't noticed their games. Seriously,! Those two.

"Styles!!!! You..." Olivia and her brother look at the guy I was trying so hard to ignore. I know what they want to know. And I know that they're trying to figure out how come he knows my name.

And why the hell did have to call me by my first name. All those four freaking years passed, today is the day he decides to call me Styles as if we've been friends since then. Okay we were friends. NOTE the past tense. Not the present. Now that he sees me he's trying to go Styles on me. Plus in front of my children. He has some serious nerves.

I just ignored him.

"Did you use your strongest weapon on a stranger again. I told you not to do that. And you, why did you let her do that? I told you..." I say to her then pointing at Oliver but he seems to know what I was going to say. Of course.

"Not to let her do that.. I know Mommy. But what if I wanted to have some chocolate too? It has been long time since I had one." He smiles trying to look innoncent which he succed on the starnger, but not on me. Their things always work on people they just meet. That's one of the many reasons why they always do it on them. Sometimes it works on me, if I see that it's been long time since I give them what they want. I just have to decide if I should or nah.

"They're really cutes." He says sincerelly but I just ignore him and give him the look. I think he knows what it means. If he stills remember a little bit of me. Which I'm pretty sure he doesn't.

"Can you please go to see Mrs. Valeria please, I have to thank Mr. Hale for giving you what you asked." I ask the kids while still looking directally at Mr. Hale himself.

"How do you know my Mommy name?" I hear Olivia voice.

Wait I thought they were gone already.

"Do you know each other. Mommy do you know him too?" Of course if one them ask something another one has to ask too.

"We used to kn-" He starts but I have to cut him off before he even start.

"DO NOT EVEN..!!!!!" I tell him sternly trying not to look angry or sound too harsh but it's too late. The kids are already looking scared at me. "Guys please, I told you, go see Mrs Valeria." I know I sound angry right now, but I didn't mean to. I will have to explain myself later and prepare myself for what they're going ask. I will make sure ice cream is on the menu for today dinner and supper.

"Okay!! But you will buy us ice cream for a week..." I smile at her. Of course she wants ice cream. But for a week? I will have to negociate with her once we're home.

"Yeah and Mr. Hale said we could go visit his house tomorrow to play-" Oliver starts.

"WHAT?" I turn toward Oliver then look sternely at him. "You know what? Go to your class, and we will see later. I will see you guys at the meeting okay." Surprising this time they listen and go to their class.

I turn around to look at him looking all confident eventhough I was panicking inside, but I won't show him that.

"It's really amazing to see them in real. They've grown up so fast. They're really adorable." Is it just me or his voice got deeper than when we were young?

UH no. It's not the time Styles.

"So I've been told everytime. They're my children after all." I answear smoothly looking at him but not at his face. "Why did you ask them to come to your house? What are you planning?" I am about to blow off on him but I have to old myself

The kids are cute, but the one who gave them birth is a freak. I was called the freak one who was pregnant, but now that they're born, they're cute and I'm not being told that I did a good job. He doesn't even apologize.

Why does it matter anyway?


What am I even thinking like that? What told me he would say sorry as soon as he sees me. I'm so unsurpisingly dumb. Seriously Styles, four years and I still stand so low next to him? I'm the worst.

"Mrs. Valeria suggested if her class could come at my company to enjoy themselves and I agreed. But we changed the plan. The kids will come at my house tomorrow. Their parents will drop them off at ten AM then come take them back at five PM."

"Why do I have this feeling like you're the one who planned this alone and you just told her... I mean are you that powerful? Okay don't answear that question. It was a dumb one." Stupid me, I mistakly did an eye contact with him.

"Do others parents know as well, or I am the only one who knows." I ask him. He's still so perfect. If more, he got more attractive.

"I was planning to tell them today after the meeting. And before you ask... yes Mrs. Valeria knows." He says.

"Wow!! It's really crazy how Oliver looks so much like you. It's really insane." He smiles. Oh no my weakness. The same way Oliver always smiles to get me.

He starts to walk slowly towards me with his tuxedo jacket in his left hand. Okay but why did I find that-



I walk back to avoid him but he continues to come to me and I did the same. Walking backwards untill my back hit the wall.

Of course there's a damn wall. THERE IS ALWAYS A DAMN WALL.

I Try to avoid him but he brings his face near mine and I try my best to avoid THIS. I know what he's trying to do. And I won't let him.
Surpisingly, he brings his free hand, which is the right one, on my face and caress my cheeks and nose.

"Many people have been telling me that. And I know it." This Arrogant jerk. I'm to get out off of his bubble space but I'm so held by his gaze. "You still look amazing and still take my breath away." He whisper to me.

Of course he knew they're his kids. He knew since the beggening that I was carrying the twins. But why did he reject me that day?
He called me freak while pregnant but now that the kids are born and grown up, they're cute, adorable? I'm not allowed him to get even near me.

"We're in school where there are a lot of people and kids. I'll deal with you later."

I push him away from me and go where my children ware waiting for me. I know he was still looking at me. Because I can feel his gaze on my back.

Why wasn't he like this before?

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