1 Chapter

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"MOMMY! MOMMY!!!!" Of course there's no sleeping beauty when those two keep fighting for nothing. Good thing I was just doing some works on my computer. I can't sleep when they're not ready which always take forever. They're lucky tonight I let them play this late because of work.

"Oliver what's going on again? I told you guys I have to sleep." I make a low creaking sound to show him my despair. And of course him being my son, he uses his best streghn to get me the little devil. He paused a little bit trying to anylize me. Of course he saw right way that I wasn't even ready to sleep yet. This kid and his sister are going to kill me someday.

"Olivia stole my toy again. What if I just come and play by myself here?" And this is one of my little not so angel of four years old ladies and gentlemen. Always has to pout then throw a free threath. But this time it wasn't a threath. Fiouu. I laugh at his expressive face. I stop what I was doing and start at him. As if I was doing something.

It was at moment like this that the asshole who doesn't even deserve to be named comes in my head. Every time Oliver gets upset, he always look like his father. Him and his twin sister already llok like their father. Especially Oliver. He own everything that his father has. Eyes, nose, lips. I mean his whole face looks EXACTLY like his father. His attitude, get angry easly, don't play with his things when he does't want to share or when he never gives you the permission to do so.

Why am I even thinking about him right now. I forget about him long time and I still hate him so much. That doesn't mean that I also hate my children. That's a big NO NO NO with capital letters. I will and would never contempt my own children that I gave my all blood, sweat and tears because of what that sperm donor did. It was my fault for making him do stuff with me. I have nobody to blame but myself. But do I regret giving bith to those beautil things? Absollotly NOT. I have been happy since day one I got them. But I won't lie, first semester of my pregnacy I was really scared. Espacially after I got a really hard rejection. Being called freak from someone I've always love. I meaan LOVED. Don't forget about the past tense.

"Mommy please say something." I come back to my sense after hearing my child voice. I smile at him as he keeps shaking my nightgown in order to get my attention back at him.

"Did you ask why she took your toys AGAIN?" I try my best to stay serious and not to laugh at his cute face. God knows what will happen if I laugh.

"I don't know she just did. Stole Mommy. Do something Mommy please." He says as he went straight to my bed and sitting there looking for things to play with. Thank God I hid everything away. Because the last I left him and Olivia for a sec, I found everything in bazar and my alarm o'clock was broken.

"Noooo Mommy he's lying..." Of course she would be defending herself.

"Olivia!!! Come here honey. And what have I been telling you about talking fromafar baby. come and talk to the person face to face."

"But you also did so." She says as soon as she get in front of me. She is fast. of course this is my baby girl.

"Because you wouldn't come if I ever send your brother to get you. Besides my case and yours are diffents cases babe. Now tell me why did you stole his toy?" I turn aroud to point at Oliver and see him showing his tongue at his twin sister, probably by thinking he's winning the game. I cross my hands on my chest showing him that he hasn't win anything. And by seeing his pout, I'm sure he got it.

"I didn't stole anything from him. He's lying." She says as she also croos her cute little hands on her chest copying my every moves. This is one of the reasons why my sister nd others people say Olivia is exactly like me. I look at his brother questionning this.

"Yes you did." He says as he stops what he was doing, then throwing daggers at her sister while playing with my pillow at the same time.

"No I didn't Mommy. I saw it and start playing with it."

"Why did you take it honey, you have yours. And you know that your brother doesn't like sharing his things. which I need to know why by the way."

"Yes why?" I haven't realize that Oliver was standing next to me also crossing his hands.

"Beacause his toys are good..." She pout. What a cutie. If we weren't trying to solve this I would pinch her cute cheeks

"We have the same toys." Oliver got a point. I always buy them the same toys so they fight each other again. after that day when my sister bought them toys for their second birthday.

She brought differents toys for each but Olivia of course had to take his brother's toys everytime, while she was the one who got the best ones. she didn't know how to play or how to use it. Oliver being the big brother by five seconds, showed her how to use them but she still didn't want to. After like the fifth time asking if she didn't want to play with them, she still said no so he suggest to exchange with his. You know what happened after? She wanted them back. She's so me. I was like her every time my sister got something. and we aren't even twins. She's older by three years old. She's the same age as Derek.

Fuck, him and his name again...

"Yours are the best." She says proudly with a smile, as if it was something to be proud of. This little girl.

"Olivia if you don't know how to use your toys, just ask your brother to show you how to do so, and I'm sure he will show you. Right honey?." I tiredly say looking at my baby boy. "Now, you have to sleep tomorrow you have to wake up early for daycare. And you told me it's going to be special tomorrow. Since your guardian asked someone special to meet and answer your questions."

"Yeah she said we have to prepare something for him." Olivia says

"And also preparing at least two questions." Oliver enters

"Or maximum four questions and bring our parents." Olivia pointed.

"Oh yeah? I know." I look down saddly.

Somehow, I wish Derek was with us, so the twins won't be there without one of their parents missing. Because everytime there's a parents special events I'm always the only single parent there. I always to play it off but sometimes I couldn't. I knwo the kids want to ask me about it so badly but they never dare to. Either they always forgot, or when they start asking about fathers this father that, I usually change their mind with ice cream which they never complain.

" And what did you guys prepare for your guest? Forget my question. We will see tomorrow. go to sleep now. It's getting late. Oh my God look what time is it?" I say faking a shocked face

"Time to go to bed." they say at the same time. of course they know. I smile at them and kiss the both of them on their cheeks.

I wait for them to go to their room, but go straight to my bed. They're going to sleep with tonight too. I smile again as they make themselves confortable on my bed. I love those two so much.

It was nine past thirty now, I still have some work to finish so I better go back to my computer.


After I nished my work, I decid it was for me to go surffing on webb a little bit. Bad idea.

I accidentally clicked on a pub and the pub was about the sperm donor and his busness life. Of course, he still doing his life as he likes it. I mean I'm sur it is about it. Me being the stupid one I cliked on it and read the article. Of course I wasn't wrong. Him and his rich life. I don't like him, and the way is getting more handsome without aging is even worse. I hate him. I HATE HIM SO MUCH.

There's this one time I was watching a reality show on TV about coocking and they had a special guest. And guess who the special guess was, That sperm donor. I was so looking at him through the screen that I didn't even realize the twins came sitting with me on the sofa too. And Olivia being an observer, she called me and teold me that the man looked like his brother and asked me how come the man on TV looks like them. I instanlly closed the TV and never watch or touch my phone in front of them or when they're around again.

I set up my alarm for tomorrow. Since the kids broke my alarm o'clock haven't bought another one. So I have to set it on my phone.


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