7 Chapter

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I seriously don't have any clothe for a change and Ryan told me over the phone that he was going to pick me up in about ten minutes. Which is about now. I've been turning around this whole time trying to explain the kids where I was going. The jerk told them it wasn't important when they asked me if I had to go and I told them yes but they didn't seem so convinced with my words.

Now, they sure try to convince me to stay with them. But I can't.

"Mommy will you comme soon?"

"Ah Olivia, yes I will come soon." I kiss her cheek before doing the same to her brother.

"I want really soon." I smile at her pout.

"Yes really soon." I say as I go to kiss her pout away.

"I hope is really really really soon mommy."

"Okay baby girl I get it. I will  be here really really really REALLY soon baby. Now let me go before I'm late. And it's too late now because I'm already late. Bye guys."

"But you still didn't tell us where you're going."

"Oliver, I told you I have to meet someone at some place."

"No you didn't."

"Yes I did..."

"No you didn't."

"Yes I did. Oliver you know what," I sigh tiredly at our little bickering. "I'll come to pick you guys later and we will be going back home. After my meeting okay?. Now bye."

"You only tell daddy so. Not to us thought." He insists.

"So that means you heard us talking?" He nodds  with a knowing smile on his face. "You little bastard." I murmur the last word so no one will hear me.

"Oh I heard you Mummy. You owe me five dollars."

"WHAT? Since when and why..." I was about to ask until I remember our pact.

"Did you forgot our bet..?" Of course he remebers. Oliver never forgets anything that involve money. Only when he's the one who will get it. But he quickly forgets when he's the one who owe either me or his sister. Or he just doesn't want to turn things back.

He riminds me of his father. Like father like son.

"Mommy, why are we going back home later? We can stay here. Mr. Hate is our daddy and he told us we could stay at his house as long as we want. And if we want to visit we will come at his house also." I look at her, surprise but not so surprised. If Derek planned this without making me know about it, I will...  I swear the jerk is on something.

"We are at his parents house honey not his." I try to tell her but she seems confused, so I only say what will sound best to her. "This is your other grandsparents house not your daddy's. And... we will go back at ours beacuse we don't live here. understand?"

"But he said we can stay. Mommy please.." She try to convince me with her puppy eyes but I know her best.

"That won't work me honey, Now please let me go. Bye bye. I will be here later okay? Oh and no candies nor chocolate for today. You hear me?"

"Why...." The twins mourn at the same time.

"You keep me here. And because of both of you, now I'm late. Now why did you keep me here?" I interrogate them. I turn around to see what they are pointing at vut regret it instantly. They both are pointing at the man who I didn't was sitting here all this time with a big smile on his face. My skipp a beat, but I don't let it to get noticed. "Of course, I should have know. I'm so stupid. But both of you still won't get candies tonig-" I turn around to warn them but they are gone.

"They fly off as soon as they denonced me." His deep voice just got even deeper.

"Still why did you convince them to keep me? Nevermind. See you later" I don't want to hear him so I start puuting my shoes on.

"And my kiss..? I want my goodbye kiss also. Like you did with the kids." Was he there this whole time I was talking with them? "Kiss me Sty." He's so cole. Too close. He invides my personal bubble without me noticing it. And now I'm starting to rattle. I don't know what to do or what I'm doing until I feel luscious lips on my sof ones.

Oh NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO. Please don't let yourself dragged by him. With that in mind, I push myself away from him.

"Sty.." He starts.

"I told you to never call me that again. In fact, I don't want to hear my name coming from your mouth EVER, NEVER, FOREVER again.

"Look, I'm so-" Is he going to apologize after kissing me? I don't want to hear it so I just go out.


"Oh Ryan, I'm so sorry for being this late. The kids didn't want to let me go." I say as soon as I sit down in front of him looking guilty for making him wait this long.

"Hello to you too. How are you, I'm fine thank you. And you." I give a little laugh at him and he also smiles. "It's okay. I was late also by five minutes. Luckily you weren't here already."

"But I was more late. I made you wait this long." I say as I play with my fingers so he won't see me feeling guilty.

"It's okay Styles. You just had ten minutes late. It's not that bad. Plus you had to take care of your kids first. A mother always put their children first before going out. You're a mother to not only one child but two children and I admire you for being a strong single mother to two kids. You're really a strong one."

I thankfully smile at his words. Those words are so sweet and really comforting. Not only to me but to also all the single parents who raised, who are raising, and who will raise their children alone. It's really a hard time. But children always bring joyfull moment once they're born. It's the best thing in this wolrd.

It's been almost two hours we are here. We eat calmly, but find ourselves chit chat here and then when we find something to say. It is really peacefull. I love that he doens't foce conversation. He just let it go with the flow...

"MOMMYYYYYY!!!!" Am I hearing things or I just hear Olivia's voice? "MOMMYYY!!" Oh they didn't. I turn around just to be sure. Just to make sure it was only in my head. Of I was wrong. I blush whe she directly sit on my lap as soon as he reach me. I turn to question Derk what is the meaning of this, but he innoncently smile at me and sit next to me. I blush even more when I tilt my head a little bit to see Ryan but he was to preoccuped looking at Olivia witha cute smile.

"We miss you this big." Olivia extands her little arms to me how much big she missed me and I smile at her then look at Derek.

"What happend? Why are you guys here?"

"The kids missed you, so I brought them to you because they didn't want to wait too long to see you." Yeah that sounds like them, but why do I think that he also is the one did this.

"No daddy you insist too." Oliver defends.

"You guys live together?" Ryans ask for the first time since they came.

"Yes we do." This jerk

"No we don't."

"Then how come you wearing my shoes and clothes? Looks so good on you by the way." I blush at his words after remembering me picking whatever clothes I saw in his room to change because I didn't want to wear the same clothes as yesterday and I didn't have any of mine. "Oh baby you so cute when you blush."

I glared at him.

"You will get it once we will be home. Jerk."

"oh-oh mummy, you owe me five dollars again."

This kid seriously is going to kill me one day with five dollars.

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